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Help - Texture problem with Misty Pines Trees


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This mod is currently called Misty Pines Overhaul...

Even since the first version I have always had problems with it. For some reason the pine trees take on the textures of the high rise buildings - image below.

I have repeatedly looked for help with this and the only replies I get is that it's probably an LOD issue..

What the hell is LOD? I have NO idea on how to fix this nor how to adjust LOD or any of that stuff. I have tried repeatedly (3 times) to contact the uploading author and no replies at all.

IF I open Misty Pines with FO4 Edit I see all kinds of errors (red lines) and have no idea on how to fix it....

I posted down in Mod Requests to see if someone could make a mod to reproduce the ground level fog/mist that floats through occasionally - I've been told that this is from Far Harbor - and it IS in Misty Pines but as I said, the trees are flocked up...

I have tried running the mod with no other mods installed and I still have the same problem.

Any idea's on what to do to fix this??????????????????

Sorry.. had to resize the file as it's too large to be posted but I hope it's clear enough..

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