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Can not cast spell on left hand after update?


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I just updated to 1.4.27 after a loonngggg time not playing and also installed a bunch of new mods. Now the funny thing is, when I equip a spell on my left hand I can not cast it!!! The game treats it as if my left hand is unequipped. I can block with one-handed weapon even though my other hand is still lighting up a fireball. Is this a bug or some mods glitch? Can anyone help me please? thanks!
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Why don't you update to the latest version of the game 1.6.x.x. And how did you go about only updating to 1.4? Steam automatically updates you to the latest version so.... this sounds suspicious.


I remember some other threads about this here a while back, probably a mod conflict. If you haven't all ready you could also actually buy the game. If you have a legitimate copy then I apologize for the accusation but your whole updating to 1.4 thing makes me wonder.

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