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Question on Bashed Patches


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You should ALWAYS use a Bashed Patch from Wrye or a Smashed patch from Mator Smash, NEVER use a merged patch for your entire load order


there is a section of my guide where I quote 2 of the contributors that have helped make Wrye Bash


Read the quotes by alt3rn1ty and Sharlikran and you will see why, and more importantly, understand why



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don't use SSE edit to make a merge patch


ALWAYS merge any plugins into the bashed patch


what the merge in Wrye does is include the plugin's info while freeing up a slot, so if you are at 255 plugins and Wrye merges 15 of them, you're actually at 240 now

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Have one more question related to leveled lists in Bash. When using a mod like Morrowloot Ultimate should i still leave leveled list on automatic and let it do it's own thing. Cause I have for example Immersive Armors but also the compatibility patch for MLU as well. Which shows both leveled lists in Wyre Bash.

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always include everything the bashed patch wants, it's designed that way purposely


anything you don't include in the bashed patch probably isn't going to work right and may even cause crashes


there are a few exceptions like the Reproccer for Skyrim Redone, ASIS, some ENB's and a few others

Edited by gromulos
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