GETbacon Posted February 7, 2009 Share Posted February 7, 2009 edward ran around shoveing puter spoons and forks in mud crabs and dogs but got throwen in jail when he atempted to shove a fork in a gard later on doing every thing from joining the mages giuld to randoumly runing around with pants and no shirt and kicking every one in the imperil city includeing gards who tryed to stop him it was a tragic day for that one imp. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eshenaleros Posted February 7, 2009 Share Posted February 7, 2009 I have a new character now, A Gothic Breton Daedric Cultist of Azura named Lark, though Sheogorath holds a special place in his heart and he has many times considered converting his worship to the lord of madness. Throughout his life he was continuously ridiculed by the people of his home town, so much so that one man eventually crippled his right arm. The arm would have had to have been amputated if not for the timely intervention of a necromancer, who took him in an saved what of his arm he could. He stayed with the necromancer for some time, and learned some of the dark arts from that venerable mage before his body succumbed to the wear and tear of life. Lark has since been wandering across Cyrodiil, and was seen by a mage's guild recruit doing necromancy. of course, as necromancy is legal in cyrodiil, he was not condemmed for this, but the mage believed that he was doing something irredeemably evil, and so made his sister spout out the false charges of rape. He found himself wandering into the imperial city before had even heard that there were charges against him, and was summarily thrown into prison without an explanation... He's a necromancer Gothic Breton and so far my favorite character concept, but, as my computer doesn't want to run oblivion for some reason, I have yet to put him forth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 8, 2009 Share Posted February 8, 2009 Polotor Agronat was born in Skyrim, living in the far north. When he and some friends stormed the Imperial fort nearby, they were knocked out and shipped off to Cyrodiil. Polotor escaped from the Imperial prison with help from the emperor and his bodyguards. Grateful to the empire for saving him from rotting in jail, Polotor swore his allegiance to the Blades, becoming a distinguished brother in their order. The great warrior mastered combat, fighting alongside Baurus, Jauffre, and many imperial soldiers. After defeating Mehrunes Dagon, Sir Agronat went on to become a crusader for the Nine Divines. Polotor lives in Anvil, learning magic and doing alchemical experiments until another adventure comes... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuckThor21 Posted February 9, 2009 Share Posted February 9, 2009 First of all...very nice topic...beautiful idea... Second of all my character was a very skilled fighter and mage nord in Morrowind. he left Cyrodill with his family when he was five because his father was a thief and started a life in Morrowind...but when he got older he decided he wants to get back to cyrodill. After passing the border he got knocked in the head by a group of thieves that took him by surprise adn he lost consciousness...he also got accused of murder because the thieves after looting his body left a weapon and a bottle of wine at him....(nords love to drink so the authorities could have taught that he was dead drunk)...that's why he is in this is the story of my guy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MidasMagicDude Posted February 9, 2009 Share Posted February 9, 2009 Name: Jintar TussuadRace: ImperialClass: Smuggler (Custom)Birthsign: Thief Jintar Tussuad is a smuggler captain. He brings in Imported Slaves, Skooma, Moon Sugar, and whatever other illegal materials he can get his hands on. Under pretense of an Alchemist, he can really only make Skooma, and is a failure at any potion that isn't a narcotic or alcoholic. To make him, I made the pirates at the Waterfront angry and had the guards kill them. Next I stole as much skooma from the Skooma den as possible. After which I used the construction set to make a few CM partners named "Imported {Insert Race Here} Slave" and stowed them in the lower decks. After that I just kept stealing and hiding it on my ship, occasionally selling things to Gianna (a fence from one of my mods). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted269910User Posted February 9, 2009 Share Posted February 9, 2009 Heh, I think I could give this a go. Name;Rin KiyoshiRace;The Forgotten(Customized Choc. Elf.)Age;21(Doesn't age.)Appearance(Got her perfectly to my liking.); Background story; Rin was raised in a small village on an unknown island somewhere in the Abacean Sea. Her kind were always strong warriors and they were trained as warriors from the age of seven. Rin seemed like every other child in their clan when the training began, but she was quickly noticed to be several levels above all the others, from which she was given the nickname; The Prodigy. Once she came to the age of fifteen, she was already a more capable fighter than any other person in her clan, which was something that she and her family were proud of. During the summer a few months after her birthday, a civil war broke out as some of of her people were starting to become afraid about someone misusing her strength and thus they wanted her dead. The other half on the other hand wanted to ensure the strongest warrior in the clan would remain alive. During all the chaos, her family, mother and two little brothers were killed, by his own father. Once Rin realized what had happened, her rage awakened the full power of a prodigy and turned her kind blue eyes into demonic red... Few days later Rin woke up at the center of the village, everyone around her dead. She had lost control and her memory of the events that took place afterwards, but the katana wounds everyone had, told her the gruesome truth. Without saying a word, she made a grave for her own family. She went to her home and took the black armor that had been in her family for generations and burnt down the village after getting her supplies. All she wanted was to forget her past, but she knew she could not. Her hair started turning white, the mark of the kin slayer. Rin cloaked herself and moved to the docks nearby, she took a boat and set sail, without having any destination... Rin was picked up at sea a week later by a trading vessel, headed to "The Main Continent" as they said it. After arriving to the new land, she went into bounty hunters lounge, seeking for work and possible travelling company. Several years passed with Rin getting a loyal crew together, and once she had gathered the core members(Elraine, Ash, Urumi, Ritz.) together, The Crimson Vanguard was formed. A few years passed before the kingdoms around started becoming aware of the power the guild possessed, which lead to the guild being disbanded on an official level, however it's influence remained and the leaders were still recognized as people not to be trifled with. The guild remained intact on a more hidden leve however, although Rin was the sole exception in that regard, she had never liked to be hidden or lying. City officials and diplomats may claim the guild does not exist, but should anyone ask her, they'd get the cold truth; The guild was stronger than ever. Few more years passed with the guild prospering, Rin and the guild core were growing tired of settling petty squabbles between feuding families. Rin decided to leave and look for worthy adventures in a land where she wouldn't be known, in a land where she might be able to earn her redemption. That's when she finally took off on a boat and arrived to Cyrodiil... Rin arrived at Anvil on 1st of Frostfall. She was in a land unknown to her, but she knew this was her only choice unless she wanted to spend all eternity stuck up in her past and thus her true journey began... (Old character and I could likely write a book about her, if I was just willing to put the time into it. Besides, I'm still playing with her. :whistling: ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skolhamarr Posted February 11, 2009 Share Posted February 11, 2009 I never have really thought about hmm... that might be interest. Good topic choice by the way... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpacemanSpIiff Posted February 17, 2009 Share Posted February 17, 2009 Oh god if i Posted my backround for Evelynne it would probably take up the entire thread! Ill go with a HIGHLY condensed version. Name: Eve Lynne Oprien (Prefers Evelynne)Age: ~80 Human years, which translates to about 19 in ElvenRace: Celestial Elf (Ethmer) -- A modded Corean Race.Class: Priestess/PaladinAlignment: Lawful Good Appearance: Eye Color: Can change drastically dependent on Mood, but normally a faded green.Skin Color: Pearly pale white (The kind of pale that glows radiantly in the sun and moon light)Hair Color: BlackHeight: 5'8Weight: Roughly 170 lbsBody: Athletic Body though not toned. Small bust (~B). Personality: Evelynne is a very reserved, and extremely quiet young girl. She is very shy, even around people she knows well. She speaks with a very soft voice. She has many confidence issues, and often finds herself doubting her own abilities all the time. She always has the look of a young lost girl on her face, she will never smile unless a friend provokes one. Combat Style: Primary Weapon: Pole arm, Preferably a sturdy Halberd balanced for all types of attack. (Thrust, chop, hook, slash)Secondary Weapon: A Defensive Short blade (dagger/saber)Tertiary Weapon: Gauntlet Mounted Knuckle Blades (Punching Katars) Armor: Full plate mail. Evelynne can and does Dual wield a Spear and Shield/sword Combo. She focuses on a defensive art, parrying and counter attacking her opponents. Evelynne is also a high priestess of her faith, she is capable of healing her self and allies on the fly, along with empowering her self and others with holy spells ( Deadra/Demons, Undead and vampires beware!) Likes: Food: Just about anything that isnt garbageDrink: Prefers to sip on red wine, but water will do.Music: She plays the piano very well, and is learning the violin.Hobby: Piano/Violin (as stated). Running, Training, Cooking, Reading, Blacks mithing. Dislikes CussingRudenessNecromancyMurderers Evelynne's Tag line quote: "I can't Change who I am...." Screens (Most can be found under my uploaded images, but you can look here) *Note* Evelynne doesnt actually have wings, those are there for aesthetics, and because I love wings. :thumbsup:. A huge chunk of her back story is missing since she cant exist without my other character Morganna Oprien. but im too lazy to begin to explain that.Please do not steal any of this. *EDIT* -- The prospect of an RP Sounds interesting, though I've never done a FORUM RP. (I did Aol Instant Messenger chatroom RP). Reading other peoples backrounds, I like alot of it. Though there seems to be a majority of Evil characters... >.> (Poor Evelynne is out numbered?)PM me if you wanna get something going yea? *2ND EDIT* -- Alot of my lingo here is unexplained, namely stuff like Celestial Elf and what not. if you are interested I will explain and stuff. Im even working on Evelynne's story. PM me if you would like to read my progress. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kodiack Posted February 19, 2009 Share Posted February 19, 2009 I just had to make up the idea for why he was put in jail. I've got a rather heroic and noble character, and on top of that he's a proud high elf. I say that he was imprisoned on false charges and accusations, knowing that he would greatly aid in the fight against Cyrodiil's threat. Outside of that, he's just an aged elf that lived a rather plain life. He still looks as young as you can get, but I've always loved the idea that elves are eternal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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