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Which is better Kvatch Rebuilt or Kvatch Atfermath


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geez, sorry, got count on the brain(how many bats are there? 7 bats...hock, hock hock*near as I can get to the Count's laugh typing... From Family Guy: Have they ever shown The Count drinking someone's blood for sustenance?). I meant the guy/messenger that contacts you about the procedures involved.


BTW..I'm looking into texture packs to add to Oblivion and have dialup in the dark ages..anyone suggest a good one that's not over 75 mb?

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Well he does wander a bit (he is meant to be alive after all, not a statue, heh). After the first few encounters at the Survivor's Inn you should always find him in various spots in the castle. During the day he'll usually be in the Great Hall.


Perhaps you have an older version. I'd highly recommend you checking out the latest and giving it another go. I don't think it conflicts with as much as you may think. :)

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ok. Will do, Michlo. I did find him once at the Imperial City Elder COuncil building right where the marker said he was, but another time he was supposed to be in a hotel room that didn't exist.


BTW..has anyone ever tried to take Rebuilt and Aftermath and make them one mod?

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BTW..has anyone ever tried to take Rebuilt and Aftermath and make them one mod?


Good question, I bet if the creators of both agreed, it would make a truly awesome mod.



I just want to say :thanks: to every one that has joined in this discussion, it appears that some of you have VERY strong feelings for your choice. Thats great, but let keep things on a non-personal level, plz.



So far from what I have read Kvatch Aftermath seems to be the leader.


I currently have Kvatch Rebuilt installed but I have only played 2 of it's quests and they seem a bit dry for me, so right now I'm leaning towards Kvatch Aftermath for the RPing value.



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What would be really nice is for the chat to focus on peoples favourite bits for a change, there must be some.


For example, in Kr my favourite bits where the diversity of the quests, how they present them and the natural way they flow together with a player being an average joe being asked to help out. I also like the way they update the mod by swapping worlds but it leads to problems such as CTDing when a package that uses one of the old worlds remains active on an NPC so i personally would not use that method. It leads to a lot of problems and is a nightmare to fix later.


But the big advantage is you can slowly upgrade kvatch that way, you can have burnt roads and you can have them slowly fade away but you cannot be in the city when the upgrades take place because the entire city gets swapped for the next one in the chain. The system has many advantages and many disadvantages.


The biggest being bug tracking is much harder to do than it was for me in that are but I had my own problems with beth quests because of my way that KR never suffered with.


Aftermaths got a lot going for it but its upgrades take place in the same world space which limits me in some ways but is a huge advantage in other ways. For example, if your computer is fast enough, you can watch the city upgrade before your eyes, literally.


Take a look at this and you will see what I mean.



I time lapsed it to speed things up, watch the slum upgrade after the first battle.


I thought KR was a closer representation of the pre battle kvatch than aftermath was and more in line with other cities in cyrodiil in that regard so it does not feel over featured, the accusation that kvatch aftermath feels more important than the imperial city was posted on youtube not so long back and id say thats not only true but was delibrately my intention.


I favoured a more post battle kvatch feel thats more in line with the game lore which says it was destroyed and people are a little upset about it in cyrodiil, I felt to magically rebuild the city without attempting to explain how the citizens felt about it all was taking what is a massivce break in the game lore and making it worse.


Kvatch is supposed to be a burning ruin remember, thats what the game lore says.



So aftermath has tried to explain the rise of the people from a defeated group if citizens to a victorious groups of cities that are once again proud of their city. There is a lot of fine detail hidden in books, rumours and various other dialog to immerse the play in the story but its easy to tell a player thats not immersed in it because when the "enemy at the gates quest" appears, they have no clue what its about.


Its actually about the continious threats to all cities and the demands the elder council place upon those cities leaders and the fact that the player actually listens to the council and does as he is told eventually leads to the player being rewarded when the city is made the new home of an order of imperial knights. Which was sent to the city to help restore faith in the empire after the empire failed to protect kvatch.


By the time the final battle takes place, the knights are primed to become the new heros of kvatch and storm the daedric front lines. After that a big thing is made of the fact kvatch kicked daedra ass and all the rumours and bonus dialog switch to happy mode as the city finally feels like it can defend it self again.




Also I wanted a city I would want to spend a lot of time in, so I added a lot of fine detail to kvatch aftermath that KR simply does not have and I allowed players to customize every NPC on kvatch because I felt they might enjoy it, but the support for that didnt end with that, I actually set up the packages so any armour would be taken off at night or when they are off duty and all that is needed is toasties mod old companion share and recruit mod (the Old Version, eg none OBSE version) which is a recommended addon for my kvatch aftermath mod anyway if you want to get the most out of it.


Btw try giving the dancer in the castle a set of armour and cloths than watch what happens to her clothing at night. Then think everybody in the city supports that so when they are ready to turn in or go off duty, they change cloths as well. And cloths you give them STAYS on them, it does not vanish after 3 days as it would normally.


Other cities I am made since are not made with that design in mind, your not ruler of the city, you cannot customize the npcs, you cannot make choices that effect the city generally and the difference between them and kvatch aftermath is huge. But they are closer to KR because they share the same approach as KR and make my other cities feel more normal. Kvatch Aftermath is a special case, its a city designed from the start to be ruled over by the player. In that respect its unique amongst all mods.


So if you want to rule a city KA is the best one, if you do not KR is the best one because many of KAs features will remain disabled until you accept he position of count.



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Personally I don't like answering threads like this since it involves more value judgment than objective opinions, and such values aren't the same to everyone. I'm answering this one why both mods are very, very good and I have a point here: If you wish the better of two words try the two, one at a time, they have, at least had when I did as I'm saying, a way to do it. Here what matter a bit is the order you try them.


I suggest you play KR first and KA soon after and I say this why KA continues over time integrating with the Cyrodiil Upgrade project from Giskard that have several modules ready to play and others coming soon by what I know.


About the conflicts, that was really a unhappy reply, obviously any mod will conflict with others that refers to same places and objects but I found KA had very few issues and most of them patched by the authors. I have myself the several mods that comprehend KA, The Origin of the Mages Guild, The Necromancer and now The Elder Council and they works very well together and impressively with no issues I could detect even with the others mods that changes the IC.


Edit: Giskarduk himself answered the thread turning my reply obsolete :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Long time since I offered anything here - I've had to wait for my computer provider to catch up with Robin's new hi tec website ;) Anyhows I came accross this post on another forum about Giskard's KA and his other mods and it might add a bit more perspective:


Username ...

Well, hello.

I'm rarely vocal on any forum I've been to concerning matters of interest to me mostly because there's already sufficient general positive momentum going on the topic ... snip ... So I usually just lurk when I am around as you can learn a lot from just reading what other people say or find what you are looking for.


Anyway - It's funny how these things go. One day you return to a gaming world you've set to rest for awhile only to discover a series of well crafted inter-linking mods that add a wonderful richness to that world. I'll say that I've found a few enjoyable mods and even some that I've classified as essential (to correct/better aspects of vanilla oblivion) but none with this breath and depth of scope (Well, at least as far as I know, but it's hard to imagine that there would be that many more if even one more existed... Especially in quantity, quality and sourced by a single author) that expand the world of oblivion in no small, unmeaningful way such as this volume of mods has. Each one on its own stands as a solid chapter in the history of the game but together they're a dynamic tapestry of events.


In any event, in the last few weeks I've enjoyed having discovered these mods and have had a great time playing them. Your time and effort has given me countless hours of enjoyment and for that, Thank you


Re the Voiceovers:

For many 'overseas' players you need to know that Giskarde and an unknown girl always speak in their normal voices on his mods = they have a well-known and quite ancient English Regional accent that you are going to find differerent from the standard Oblivion vocals. It may sound strange to the ears of the untutored but it actually has a very genuinely medaeval flavour - so enjoy. (ps nasal is Medaeval - comes from the appalling climate here and too much hard work! = traditional :) )


I've been working with Giskard recently and my experience working with him is that his creative breadth and the depth of his perception of both Lore as well as the required balance between Lore - Medaeval life and exciting gameplay is of a high standard. Because of this I have to be very alert not to get left behind and often have to restart books to get myself on the right track for my own contributions to make sense in terms of everything else that is happening. That is why I was so pleased when I saw the quoted post as it shows my sense of what is being attempted has beensuccessfully accomplished in previous mods and this is clearly demonstrated by this quote.


all the best,



[edited spelling]

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