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Creating a Link


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Sigh... I didn't want to ask this question at the risk of sounding like a complete noob. I hope I don't get flamed. >.<


I can figure most things out on my own pretty easily but I'm having trouble with this... and I don't know why. How do I make it so url links to other mods actually come up as actual links on my mod page? I've tried using the bbcode- not working. I checked the wiki and tried the suggestion there- not working. It just keeps coming up as text. Am I missing a step?


Thanks in advance.

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[url=http://www.google.com]Link to Google[/url]


The trick is to not use "quote" marks around the URL.


Ahh... thank you. That's what cutting and pasting gets me. Knew I was missing something simple. Appreciate the help. :)

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