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Vortex Installation Issue


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Hi folks,


So I've been trying to get my DA:O game up and running again, but NMM has been buggy for a while (and when I went ahead and loaded it up yesterday the mods just straight up didn't work) so I figured it was time to cave in and upgrade to Vortex.


Slight problem.


When I ran the installation, the setup gets maybe 40% done before I get this message:


"Abort" aborts the installation, which doesn't cause issues but also doesn't install Vortex.

"Retry" gets me stuck in an endless loop.

"Ignore" finishes the installation but then none of the actual files get put on my computer and nothing happens.


I've checked the preferences/permissions for everything I can think of and my account is an Administrator, so I'm at a loss. Anyone have a clue?

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Aha. I just tried turning off the anti-virus software and installing Vortex, worked like a charm. (The other two things you suggested had been attempted, though - no luck).


Didn't even think to try AVG though, I'm so used to it. Thanks!

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