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How many followers do you use?


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personally i only use two as it seems too easy when i have a legion of tanks behind me.

my brother also seems to imposed a limit of 5 for his save game from what i've seen.


so how many followers do you feel breaks the game for you?

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Depends on the character. My mage doesn't use any followers and relies on conjured creatures for his companions in battle. My newest warrior has two at the moment but I will probably add one or two more. I just don't want an army backing me up.
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I generally use 0-1 followers. Follower combat AI is bad. They are foolishly bold. They would all get killed except for the fact that they just enter bleedout mode and don't die. If followers were set to die instead, then you would have to jack up their health to like 3000 and then they would still die quite often. Followers also block narrow hallways. If I have too many followers, I can't get a clear shot at an enemy, and the followers have to fight the whole battle themselves.
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On PS3, I used none to one (no choice!..). Plus I find that Skyrim followers have far less substance and personalities than, say FNV's or even Fallout 3. Which is kind of contradictory with the fact that we are now given the option to marry one of them...


On PC, I could find mods than really enhance followers' AI to the point that you can really vary combat strategies - and now I have one to three regular followers. One for dungeons where three would block my way. Three for raiding exterior bandit camps 'cause it's a lot fo fun!.. (more than 2 or 3 and they rob me from my killcams!..). Occasionally, I leave them "home" and go raiding by myself, but I could hardly imagine playing Skyrim without any follower at all now... (I miss an F3's Fawkes type of character though...)


Funny you started a thread on that subject, I was just thinking of doing that... Cheers to you from Paris, noble Skyrim players!.. :)


Edited by Hoamaii
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I mostly go it alone, but I also summon, or use necromancy on some of my builds. If you want to max for undead (vanilla) get Eola, give her a couple Staffs of the Zombie, and Dead Thrall another Conjurer. If you happen to be fighting Necromancers, Conjurers, or Vampires, your follower's necromancer can raise their own, and you can get into low double digits, temporarilly. Lots of fun in the big battles on the Civil War arc, Eola, 2 Necromancer Thralls, and piles of bodies to raise as the battle progresses. Not recomended in close quarters, like inside, or underground, unless it's one of the larger open halls.


I don't use Mods which drastically change the game mechanics, and balance, like upping the Follower limit. There's plenty of glitch exploits (and scripted things, like the Ritual) that makes it uneccessary, and the game is a lot more stable that way. Most of my Mods are locations, actors, and superficial upgrades, like Character generation.

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Circumventing or removing the follower limit is easy enough to do... the follower added by AD (see sig) doesn't contribute to follower count, nor are there any nasty side-effects or mod-conflicts as a result. It's true that once you recruit more than three followers or so, you can feel overpowered, but the Nexus is crawling with mods that increase combat difficulty in a variety of ways. Ultimately, it's up to the player to choose a setup that compliments their play style.


The number of followers I keep with me varies according to playthrough, RP perspective, mods, and recent game events, but I usually travel with two companions and a dog. While there are some fights that end before I can get a shot off, more often than not we need every blade to keep the Forsworn (or what have you) at bay.

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I wanted to keep my current game fairly streamlined so I never did install a multiple follower mod. I'm usually with 1 companion, but alone for maybe 1/3 of the time.


I like having a follower, but going alone seems to open up the exploring more. Taking shortcuts across or down mountains, riding waterfalls, that kind of thing. The prid/ moveto player console thing allows you to do that with a follower, but that can get a bit tedious.

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