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Problem with dialogue choices

Ragnor Stormcloud

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Ok, here's my problem: When I go to make choices for dialogue, it doesn't work. What I mean by that is that when you're in the game, if you click on one of the choices, it just gives you the same message with the same choices (i.e. What is you name?Bob Bill). I've looked at a lot of other examples of choices, and even tried copying and pasting them. And yes, all of the choices should be linked to other messages. Well, that's my problem. If you can help, thanks, and if you try to help but it doesn't work, thanks.
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Number 3 is the syntax I use - without commas between the choices - and it should work.


I can only think of a few glitches which would stop the proper response from showing...


1. The response is below the choices in the list in the editor - but you've probably checked that...that's usually the most likely culprit when the choice is given over and over again


2. The quotation marks aren't correct...stupid mistake to make, but so basic that it once took me a while to figure out that's why the choices weren't showing - but instead of giving you the correct choices over and over again it would only show up the choice where the syntax is correct


3. The response has an extra condition attached to it which isn't met - eg apart from function choice = 1 it also looks for items, journal entries etc


4. The choice number has already been used...though that should give you a different response rather than the error you describe


5. The response is specific to a different NPC ID, class etc


I can't think of anything else at the moment - check these out and see if any of them apply. Dialogue bugs can be a real pain to trace and fix...especially because you have to test it each time you change something...


Good luck :)

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