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God enb for low-end pc


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I am trying to find a good enb that doesn't lag with my PC. I am sorta still new to modding skyrim.


These are my PC specs:


Graphics card- AMD R7 GRAPHICS


Processor- AMD A10-7800


Ram- 12.0 GB, however it says 10.9 gb are usable.

Edited by nw1022
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I assume you'll be playing at locked 30 fps. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3352/


try to use bethini use the bethini preferred settings and click on low spec button; then manually lower the draw distance, shadows even further; and search for mods that optimizes / lowers textures or plain remove them to reclaim as much vram as possible.


you should be able to play skyrim without sacrificing the feel of game too much. it'll be smooth at the very least.

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