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Cant Make Guards Follow Me


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I've tried but nothing works! I have used all the mods I can find that make anyone a follower, but on my quest I noticed that anyone with the Arnold Schwarzenegger guard voice cannot be made to follow you, so here is my question, how do I make a guard follow me? Not as a follower but just a person that backs me up? Such as the "Retrieve the Jagged Crown" quest where your faction's soldier help you and follow you?
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Isn't there a console command which just makes the specific actor follow you without any dialogue? Or a mod which adds the dialogue to basically every actor the player engages conversation with?
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If all you need is for a guard to follow you around, then you won't care about things like sharing and waiting. All you would need to do would be to create a custom copy of a guard in the CK and give him a custom follow package that makes him always follow the player. There would be no conditions placed on this AI package.
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If all you need is for a guard to follow you around, then you won't care about things like sharing and waiting. All you would need to do would be to create a custom copy of a guard in the CK and give him a custom follow package that makes him always follow the player. There would be no conditions placed on this AI package.

Yes! It works! Thank you! I duplicated one copy of all the guards and give them the package and it works! Thank you!

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