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How to speed up download speed in nexus?


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I had premium before and did not experience the same as now. My maximum current download speed right now is 1.5 mbps just half of what I get in other sites.


Is there something I can do or fiddle with to increase this? Previously my NMM download speed could reach 2.5 mbps or more.


I am only experiencing this in nexus and when I try to ping filedelivery.nexusmods.com my latency is around 164 which is quite high.


Any advise would help. BTW, I have tried changing servers but it is still the same :(


Thank you!








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Hey there,


Sorry to hear you're having issues. We don't serve files from that URL anymore (as far as I know)


We have a few troubleshooting steps here that may help: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do


The article also discusses what information we need to properly look into what is going on :)

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Hello Good sir @Pickysaurus!


Below are my findings.. lots of RTOs




Country: Philippines






Also, I have tried downloading in http://speedtest.nexus-cdn.com/ but I am still getting the same 1.5 mbps


Does this mean the problem is with my ISP? Is there anything I can tell them to resolve this issue?


I can only download one file at a time. Is this normal? This does not happen in the old nexus mod manager..

EDIT: I tried using NMM and my download is faster there. Can someone explain?




Thank you!

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