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Menu CTD's


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4GB patch is installed but if enboost does not work stable you can be sure to face ctd with this modlist. you can check that with task manger. if you see no enbhost.exe as a running task while running skyrim that is for sure one of the reasons for ctd. my skyrim would instantly ctd without enboost. i would recommend to check enblocal.ini for correct configuration/enboost activation.

Hi, thank you for trying to help!

The ENBoost indeed doesn't work (I think), as the taskmanager is not showing that it's working.

Can you help me in activating it or inferring me to a manual that explains it?

I did configure my enblocal.ini to this following STEP:


Regardless, the crash happened once when I turned off the ENB, to see if it's something faulty there.



ok try this, i think i know what it may be


disable all of the hi-rez plugins and try the game


if it turns out to be them, try downloading them again, mannually, opening the zip and installing them manually also


Thank you for helping!

Unfortunately, deactivating the hi-res plugins didn't solve the issue.

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ok time to SEMI start over


you do NOT need to delete your old saves for this


make a new clean save with no mods ( new character )


go all the way through the cave under Helgen, exit the cave, then save ATER Alduin flies off into the distane


enable 5 mods at a time and test


Keep going till you experience a problem, the problem mod will be in that group of 5 mods


let me know what you find :)

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if enboost does not work it is clear what to fix first. no esp check necessary or in any case helping until enboost works in this case. a working enboost is a prerequisite for all other checks with this modlist and esp checks are only necessary if the ctd problem persists after enboost works as supposed.


your enblocal ini seems ok. i would set EnableCompression=false. for some reason the enb d3d9.dll (skyrim folder) seems to be not loaded. maybe it is overwritten by reshade or another shader tool ? it could also be an nvidia optimus related problem. i don't know your hardware and your tools used. if you are not sure reinstall enb!

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ok time to SEMI start over


you do NOT need to delete your old saves for this


make a new clean save with no mods ( new character )


go all the way through the cave under Helgen, exit the cave, then save ATER Alduin flies off into the distane


enable 5 mods at a time and test


Keep going till you experience a problem, the problem mod will be in that group of 5 mods


let me know what you find :smile:


I did that.

Went through everything you said.

Managed to get all the mods running. Sorted with LOOT, cleaned with TES5Edit and created a bashed patch.

Now the CTD's are less frequent but still occur and I still didn't manage to find the culprit. Also it happened once when going into a shop menu.

At least now the game's semi-playable (Can play until I ragequit after multiple CTD's).


if enboost does not work it is clear what to fix first. no esp check necessary or in any case helping until enboost works in this case. a working enboost is a prerequisite for all other checks with this modlist and esp checks are only necessary if the ctd problem persists after enboost works as supposed.


your enblocal ini seems ok. i would set EnableCompression=false. for some reason the enb d3d9.dll (skyrim folder) seems to be not loaded. maybe it is overwritten by reshade or another shader tool ? it could also be an nvidia optimus related problem. i don't know your hardware and your tools used. if you are not sure reinstall enb!


I reinstalled the ENB. Didn't help. However, it is important to note that the CTD also occured while ENB was disabled so I'm not 100% sure that's the issue.

Regardless, I have no idea why the enboost.exe doesn't start (Or is it enblocal.exe? Nevertherless, neither of them work).


As for my PC, I'm running with:


Intel i7-3370 CPU @ 3.40GHz


Skyrim is installed on a 1TB HDD (Not SSD, I know it sucks but it just makes the load times longer).

nVidia GTX 670 2GB

Windows 10 Pro x64


Managed to get a screenshot of the menu beofore CTDing:


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what is that purple and white blurred thing in the screen shot?




I took another look at your load order


you might want to swap these, check the description page and make sure as I am unfamiliar with ASIS


123 7b ASIS-Dependency.esp
124 7c ASIS.esp
i'm almost certain the Dependency ESP should be loading below ASIS.esp
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That could have been the case, but the broken texture/mesh sometimes comes out of the interface keys (For example, 'E' for Read on the bottom left).

However I'll try disabling the immersive 1st person and see if that has any effect.

As for the ASIS, that's how LOOT sorts them so I just leave it like that, and the mod page doesn't state anything special about the Dependency file from what I gather.

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double check your JAVA version


from the ASIS page, below



Update 1.3 REQUIRES Java 7! If you get an error, please update Java! It is significantly faster than java 6, and significantly easier to use. I've also added in many code optimizations - 1.3 should run 3x faster in patching after some profiling. Get it here if you have troubles -> Java If you have a 64-bit computer, I recommend getting both 32-bit and 64-bit. If you run 32-bit, just get the 32-bit version.

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