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Trying to Mod the Dawnstar Sanctuary


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So yea, I'm new and I've decided to get my hands dirty and create a mod that I really want but can't really find anywhere...that said this project is probably way beyond my skill level right now but I figure I'll learn as I go. :3


Right now I've created a duplicate of the Dawnstary Sanctuary cell, and in the long term what I am trying to do is basically pimp it out to be a good choice for a player home/hideout/whatever. But at the present moment I have two issues when I test it.

1. In game the area seems to have a really short clipping plane and I'm looking out into space half the time before I bump into a wall that materializes right when its in front of my face. How do I fix that?

2. When I go there using the coc command it loads as if it's my first time there aka like I'm in the DB questline, the blood trails there and enemy's pop out at you...how do I fix that?



Thanks in advance to anyone that helps! :D

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I assume you just duplicated the cell and kept its contents, which means everything quest related to the dark brotherhood is still present. You'll need to clean all that stuff out, easiest way would be just to delete the objects in question. If you've moved the entire interior cell around, it's also possible you messed up the roombound. Just click the view tab at the top , then click the show/hide option from the drop down. Then in the window that pops up after, make sure that portals and rooms is checked.


The way roombounds work, is that it breaks up an interior cell that way everything isn't loading at once. Whatever isn't inside a roombound won't be rendered, which could explain why you're staring into the void in some cases. Hope this helps.


For more information about roombounds and their mechanics, check out

about them. Edited by Kraeten
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ok...all I did was duplicate the cell then renamed it and changed it's location and encounter zone to "none" to keep it separate from the original dawn star for now. So I did what you just said, about the roombounds, and all of the rooms are in their respective blue rectangles. In game, it renders the room but it won't render the next area, for example the room with the fireplace loads fine, but when I look down the hallway I see an open abyss...But the normal dawnstar and other places in game don't have that issue. Should I just delete the roombounds? Also, for deleting everything quest related to the dark brotherhood....I'm not sure if that would work because then how will I get the end of the DB NPC's that move in in the end to show up?


Or should I just delete those things that you said and then just add the NPC's to the area? But then I have the issue of how to get the dark brotherhood initiates to show up, since I see them there in the cell. :x

Thanks for your help!!!

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In game, it renders the room but it won't render the next area, for example the room with the fireplace loads fine, but when I look down the hallway I see an open abyss


Well, that sounds to me like the roomportal just isn't there. Where the two roombounds meet in the hallway, is there a flat gray window like shape? If there isn't, that would explain why you can't see all the way down the hall.


Should I just delete the roombounds?


That depends on how large the interior you're working on is. If it isn't that big, then sure go for it. If it is big, and has a lot of shadow casting light sources then I wouldn't recommend it. And by shadow casting light, I mean you can see the shadows of chairs and tables etc.


Also, for deleting everything quest related to the dark brotherhood....I'm not sure if that would work because then how will I get the end of the DB NPC's that move in in the end to show up?


Special NPC's and their scripts fall mostly out of my realm of knowledge and experience, I'm sorry to say I can't help you there.


Or should I just delete those things that you said and then just add the NPC's to the area? But then I have the issue of how to get the dark brotherhood initiates to show up, since I see them there in the cell. :x

Thanks for your help!!!


I can only offer advice for buildings really, NPC's and their scripts mostly go over my head. Sorry. Hopefully my advice will at least help you make the interior's visibility normal.

Edited by Kraeten
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....the original dawnstar looks exactly the same as far as the roomportals go- and it renders just fine I feel like this is a /logicfail if both are the same yet one behaves differently then the other?


Ok I've been trying to get this....I watched your video link and am trying to add the missing portals but for some reason I just can not select the premade roombounds to create a new portal. :| it just keeps asking me to select a roombound and I just can't do it :(

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ah ok nevermind, I closed and opened it a few more times and now its working....weird.

I just have one more question now though, Do you know why the doors that are supposed to lead to skyrim in the sanctuary don't work like they should? If I can get them working, all I have to figure out is the NPC stuff and then I should actually be able to do this! :D

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ah ok nevermind, I closed and opened it a few more times and now its working....weird.

I just have one more question now though, Do you know why the doors that are supposed to lead to skyrim in the sanctuary don't work like they should? If I can get them working, all I have to figure out is the NPC stuff and then I should actually be able to do this! :D


World hookup is actually one of the easiest things to do, oddly enough. First go to the exterior cell where your load door is located then double click it. Check the teleport box in the window that pops up. Now keep that window open and go to the interior cell you're working on. Once its finished loading click the "select reference in render window option". Your mouse arrow should be a crosshair now. Now all you have to do is double click the interior load door. A yellow teleport marker should appear near the door to show you the connection was successful.


For a video tutorial, check out this

. Best of luck! Edited by Kraeten
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ah thanks you are awesome! This is coming along great :D

But I do have another minor issue that's cropped up...I tried to google it but didn't come up with anything useful. When in game the Dawnstar sanctuary gets all this extra moss all over the walls- I want to get rid of that. I figured it was some kind of material that I could just delete from the cells objects...but I can't find it so now I assume one of the xmarkers are doing it? But I can't figure them out because when I click on them to open their mini window it tells me absolutely nothing about what those markers do. I was hoping you might have some insight or direct me to somewhere on the internet that does.

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ah thanks you are awesome! This is coming along great :D

But I do have another minor issue that's cropped up...I tried to google it but didn't come up with anything useful. When in game the Dawnstar sanctuary gets all this extra moss all over the walls- I want to get rid of that. I figured it was some kind of material that I could just delete from the cells objects...but I can't find it so now I assume one of the xmarkers are doing it? But I can't figure them out because when I click on them to open their mini window it tells me absolutely nothing about what those markers do. I was hoping you might have some insight or direct me to somewhere on the internet that does.


Well....there aren't any moss statics to my knowledge, which means the moss you're seeing is likely a fundamental part of the wall's texture. In short, there's no getting rid of it.


Well I got the door hooked up but the marker in the interior cell always gets generated out in the void where I can't find it. :(


So, you just need to move the teleport marker so its resting on the floor. In the window where it lists all of the interior cells, there should be a window next to it that lists the cell's objects. You'll find the teleport marker in that list. Just double click it and the creation kit should refocus the camera around the selected object. Then its just a matter of moving the marker, which works exactly the same as moving furniture except you cant open the window that shows all the axes. So to move the marker up and down, you'll instead select the marker then hold the Z key as you move the mouse.

Edited by Kraeten
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