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Trying to Mod the Dawnstar Sanctuary


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Well I tried to find it but there's a lot objects in the cell. I tried typing in "marker" to narrow it down but I can't find the teleport marker. Also, if I want to change a doors teleport location do I just do the same thing and it replaces the markers with new ones?
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Well I tried to find it but there's a lot objects in the cell. I tried typing in "marker" to narrow it down but I can't find the teleport marker. Also, if I want to change a doors teleport location do I just do the same thing and it replaces the markers with new ones?


To choose a different teleport location you'd first delete the linked reference you made, then after that yes just repeat the steps from before. Also, just to be certain you do have the markers set to be visible right? For example light sources should have colored rings around them.

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Yea I have markers set to visible...but I still can't find them in the object window in order to move it or delete it and start over. Do I have to delete both markers to delete the linked reference or just one?

Also, I think I've figured out my problem of the one marker jumping out into the void it might actually not exist....for some reason the doors I created from shiptrapdoor01 don't keep the teleport checkbox checked. I checked them all so that they'd be able to teleport then I went to whiterun made a trapdoor, checked teleport and went back to the dawnstar sanctuary cell to the trapdoor I made and then linked it to the whiterun trapdoor...the whiterun door then creates a marker for it to teleport to the trapdoor in the sanctuary but the sanctuary door does nothing and when I go into it's little window the teleport checkbox is unchecked. :|

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The teleport markers will be yellow, and most likely very close to the doors themselves. Like an XMarkerHeading, just point the little arrow on the marker in the direction you'd like to be facing when you teleport and ensure that it is on the floor so the Navmesh can connect. Finalizing your Navmesh is the last stage of teleport set up, and will change the triangle beneath the yellow teleport marker to green so you can visually tell that the door is connected.
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The teleport markers will be yellow, and most likely very close to the doors themselves. Like an XMarkerHeading, just point the little arrow on the marker in the direction you'd like to be facing when you teleport and ensure that it is on the floor so the Navmesh can connect. Finalizing your Navmesh is the last stage of teleport set up, and will change the triangle beneath the yellow teleport marker to green so you can visually tell that the door is connected.



I have the teleport marker on the floor, I pressed "f" to drop it, but the nav mesh below it has not turned green. I finally have managed to create a connection between two doors...but if I test it in game and teleport from the interior cell to the exterior one the game crashes, is this because of the nav mesh not being green?



EDIT: Figured out the finalization, there are green triangles under the teleport markers in the exterior and interior cells but the game still crashes when going from the interior cell to the exterior one....annnd the exterior door (a trapdoor on the ground in whiterun) doesn't give me any option to use it. I'd be really grateful for any help in solving this problem :/ I'm sooo close to releasing the first version of this mod!

Edited by mysticentity
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You can make a duplicate of the doors in the Object Window and then place them, you just need to know which doors those are so they match when you make the replacements. That would be your best option, so that those two doors are completely unique and only linked to each other.
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Ok I deleted those two doors...made brand new ones- (new custom forms based on the original shiptrapdoor01) and connected them and finalized the navmesh.

The exterior door works! :D

The interior one reaches the load screen then crashes the game.

Any ideas?


EDIT: I decided to try making another door, this time leading to Winterhold that one works both ways! yay! So, I am now assuming it has something to do with Whiterun rather then me screwing up world hookup. But the whole point of having the trapdoors was to eliminate the extra load screen so I don't wanna make the trapdoor leading to right outside of whiterun if possible so if any of you have any ideas on this that would help me let me know.

EDIT2: Upon further investigation I found that any citys that have their own load screen will crash the game, however city's like winterhold that don't have any load screen work fine.

Edited by mysticentity
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