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Skyrim crashing


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Okay, a couple of points, that will be noticed on the MOD SITE:


Skyrim Project Optimization SE

CORRECT LOAD ORDER: ( Note my * next specific mods you have. )
A correct load order with my mod being loaded after main .esm AND USSEP.esp files but before Climates of Tamriel.esm and other mods.
* Dawnguard.esm
* Dragonborn.esm
* Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp (it's actually an .esm)
Skyrim Project Optimization.esm
Climates of Tamriel.esm
other .esp plugins
An incorrect load order with my mod being loaded after main .esm and after Climates of Tamriel.esm.
* Dawnguard.esm
* Dragonborn.esm
Climates of Tamriel.esm
* Skyrim Project Optimization.esm
* Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
other .esp plugins
IMPORTANT: Sometimes, mods you recently added to your game will not work. To fix this bug, after you install the mod, open the Launcher, disable the mod and close the Launcher. Open the Launcher again, enable the mod and put it on the right load order. This will fix mods not loading.


Hope this helps.

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JJB54 is correct, UNLESS, the description page for Skyrim Project Optimization says to load it that way


also, did you have Helgen Reborn enabled when you started the new play through? if yes, then that will cause problems for you also as it specifically states on the description page to "wait till you are away from Helgen" - I usually turn it on one I get to Riverwood with no problems


another MAJOR thing that is causing you to crash - You can NOT use that many mods with out a bashed patch from Wrye Bash or a smashed patch from Mator Smash - ESPECIALLY when you are using that many mods that have Scripts, AI Packages, and leveled lists, Below:


1) Hothtrooper Armor Compilation

2) Immersive Weapons

3) Left Hand Rings

4) Helgen Reborn


All 4 of these mods either have one or all of what I mentioned above - Scripts, AI packages, and leveled lists - I know from experience i use all those mods lol


As for the Bashed Patch from Wrye, follow ALL the steps in section 2 of my guide ( and Appendix 1 IF needed )



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32 plugins.. I highly doubt you need a bashed patch of any sort.


That's not true.


If you only had 5 mods installed, depending on which 5 they were you would DEFINITELY need a bashed patch, and I will list a prime example


1) Immersive Weapons

2) Immersive armors

3) unofficial patch

4) Vilja

5) Helgen Reborn


He has 4 of the 5 mods installed - so yes, in my opinion, he does need a bashed patch


Not only are those some of the most popular mods on the nexus, they are used by almost everyone during a play through


EVERY one of those mods has leveled lists, some have scripts, and others have AI packages


Making an open broad statement like you did is VERY bad advice to someone who is new to modding


Also, I 100% agree with this, below



Experienced modders claim there is no clean uninstal for many mods, and I tend to agree. Uninstalled mods can still cause problems.


#1 rule - You NEVER uninstall a mod during a play through, and uninstalling multiple mods is just asking for your game to break

Edited by gromulos
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32 plugins.. I highly doubt you need a bashed patch of any sort.


That's not true.


If you only had 5 mods installed, depending on which 5 they were you would DEFINITELY need a bashed patch, and I will list a prime example


1) Immersive Weapons

2) Immersive armors

3) unofficial patch

4) Vilja

5) Helgen Reborn


He has 4 of the 5 mods installed - so yes, in my opinion, he does need a bashed patch


Not only are those some of the most popular mods on the nexus, they are used by almost everyone during a play through


EVERY one of those mods has leveled lists, some have scripts, and others have AI packages


Making an open broad statement like you did is VERY bad advice to someone who is new to modding


Also, I 100% agree with this, below



Experienced modders claim there is no clean uninstal for many mods, and I tend to agree. Uninstalled mods can still cause problems.


#1 rule - You NEVER uninstall a mod during a play through, and uninstalling multiple mods is just asking for your game to break




I've uninstalled over 100 mods during playthroughs I have 322 mods installed, 255 plugins and an SSD with 200GB of mods installed and beaten the game at least 10 times by now with the same saves. So I don't know where you guys get this "don't uninstall mods during playthroughs from" A modded Skyrim is all about installing and uninstalling mods...like that's all we do.


Be smart about uninstalling mods and you will be fine. Use save tools. Don't delete saves,etc etc.

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then count yourself lucky, very lucky, because every person i have helped that UNinstalled mods during a play through has broken their game, every single person


and to be very clear, REinstalling the mod does not always fix the broken play through, sometimes it does and other times the person has had to start over


it literally depends on what mods are bring used and in his case he is using 4 VERY heavy mods that affect more than just one area of the game

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