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MCM question how to center align the images?


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So I got to making MCMs, did a bit of a workaround involving using TESVEdit to do it, so I made quite a bit of head way..


Question now is...


How to get the splash page images center aligned?


Thank you in advance.

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Easiest way is to make a transparent image that is at the max allowable size and position your logo in the center of that using your graphic editor.


Another solution is to use some math by subtracting your image dimensions from the max allowable and dividing the remainder by two. This gives you how much space should be around your logo and by extension the upper left x,y coordinates which you can then use for position placement.

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such a convoluted method, but I suppose if it works, whose to say is wrong. So the question now is, what is the max allowable size for a logo typically, or rather the typical norm?

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