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The game stutters when audio is enabled.


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Yeah, typical Bethesda hahaha. Seeing how they launched Fallout 76 nothing can surprise me now. But after watching gameplays of Oblivion I kinda fell in love with the game, and I was so excited to play it, even with all the bugs and glitches, but this stuttering is very annoying, especially now that the only solution seems to be to disable all audio. :(


I appreciate your help, I hope we can find a solution for this. And yes, I also tried Oblivion Stutter Remover and its sound patch, didn't work. :(

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Try reducing the number of channels used with for sounds (this is an Oblivion.ini tweak taken from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide ... see page 9):


"iMaxImpactSoundCount=32 - This option determines the maximum number of channels used for different sound effects. Reduce it 24 or 16 to remove some of the sound effects in return for a performance boost and stuttering reduction. Note however that this setting can crash your system if set too low, particularly with hardware acceleration enabled."


One of the downsides to onboard sound like RealTek is that it doesn't actually do an awful lot itself. All the sound calculations are done by the CPU/RAM ... the RealTek chips are just acting as a middleman. A discrete sound card intercepts all sound related calls and takes care of all sound related calculations using it's own processors and memory. The marketing dweebs from companies like RealTek try to smooth over that little detail, but that doesn't change performance.

Edited by Striker879
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I don't have any experience with solutions like that ... do your research to be certain that they aren't just another "sound solution" like on-board sound (i.e. still using the CPU + RAM for everything, or almost everything).


I was turned off laptops for gaming quite a while ago. Seems that almost all are designed by those marketing guys I love so much.


"Let's couple a nice fast CPU with this lame on-board graphics ... or perhaps you'd prefer this kick-ass graphics, but we'll couple it with this slow as molasses CPU. What, you want the fast CPU and kick-ass graphics ... boy oh boy, are you going to pay through the nose (and we'll still cut every corner you won't be able to find out about."


At least when I build a desktop I know each corner that is cut, and exactly why I need to cut that corner.

Edited by Striker879
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