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I cant use mods cuz i get game from torrent ?! FU** this !!! why i need buy game with full bugs ??

its good if you can buy games ! but dont be pain for ppl. like me who dont have money for new games and get games from pirates

one dude say in Nexus :

(If you are a pirate, YOU are not a gamer, just a cheap thief. YOU are lower than a worm and the bain of real gamers............... )


you kow that if you coppy paste image,wallpaper from internet or if you listening music from youtube you are same pirate !!!!

you say pirates ... we say freedom !!!

pirates not your enemy !!!

hackers , virus makers is your enemy !!!


Banned - TVD.

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Cool story bro. Must say you're completely incorrect. Taking Bethesda's software, copying it and sharing it is totally uncool. Skyrim is very cheap right now on steam because of the summer sale: http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/72850/


Please know that a game is kind of expensive. If you want to buy yourself 200+ hours of entertainment then you have to be prepared to at least pay a little bit. You could save up and then get the game. It's not like you have 0 income and stuck there. It's pretty apparent that you're a kid, and then it's a bit hard to make money but come on! It's not that hard.


This forum has a no-tolerance rule on piracy with good reason. I am glad you can't install mods. This is very correct: "If you are a pirate, YOU are not a gamer, just a cheap thief. YOU are lower than a worm and the bain of real gamers............... ". Game is buggy? They fix it!


Go away

Edited by Thandal
sarcasm does not convey well on the intertetz.
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I smell a ban coming ...


Also I have no idea what do you want from us , the modders. If you have problems with the pirated Skyrim go to the pirate who hacked this game for your or to yourself who downloads crap.

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This has to be one of the most retarded statements ive ever read

YOU ARE NOT A REAL GAMER real gamers support real game company's and Bethesda bringing such good mods tools to the table makes it one of the best their is FACT!.

what a Total muppet seriously.

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