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Thoughts on TES 6


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I hope Bethesda Game Studios is able to produce TES 6 just like Skyrim and forget that monetization craving.


Future Bethesda games will fall to the wayside without mods. Mods have kept TES and Fallout games interesting way past their normal shelf life. If Bethesda restricts the creation kit to its Creation Club, BSG will have shot themselves in the foot. I imagine Bethesda is already limping from Fallout 76.


Any more thoughts regarding TES 6? :D

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Well, since Bethesda announced Fallout 76 as "Their Future", I doubt I'll be buying anymore Bethesda games, because that announcement pretty much means that the future means "Bethesda .net" exclusive releases, monetization etc to please the corporate branch, and super shabby, half-assed, sub-par releases from them.

I have no problem not buying Bethesda games anymore, at my age, I have no problems going without what Bethesda is planning to become.

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I dunno -


1st - I found with FO 4, they were out of fresh ideas for story and quests. They had some great potential, but they bombed the game with Fallout meets Sim City. Beth, proved they had NO CONCEPT of what it meant to do a Sim City type feature. They had to have the MOD COMMUNITY save their butts ... and they did ( the community ) a pretty good job. But it's still seriously bug ridden and I've now not touched FO 4 since last year, Feb. 2018. I just found it bores me and frustrates me.


2nd - Fallout 76. This told us even more where Beth is NOT. They have a seriously BUG RIDDEN game and facing Class Action Law Suite and .... wow, just wow. Glad I did not even ' go there '.


I fear for a TES 6 game, at this point, unless they get some great STORY TELLERS who can keep with the History and Lore of the Game. They started to fail that in Fallout 4 and 76. Note, I said, " started to ... "


I do not know what is going on ... but I hope they get their act together ... or they will be dust.

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