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Is there a way to introduce delay function in MCM?


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Was wondering if it's possible to put a time delay for a line.


Something I was thinking about


Toggle (Click this to toggle and toggle will appear, but will reset in 10 seconds due to page resetting.)


Delay (10000);



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In order to get toggle options to "work" with my MCM.


The MCM I have is a dispenser of txt files, user has options to pick w/e they want pretty much, ie it's very configurable. Problem with that is, it's impossible to separate the settings between saves because the settings are altered via txt; so if I am understanding this correctly ... it means that in order for MCM to know which type of txt is being used it'll be required to scan numerous txt and pair it with the one currently being used, then match it to a number. There's also the challenge of figuring out how to script a function that disables all toggles within a group before toggling the one being clicked. This is seems far too technical for me..


So instead, I've opted for a simpler, you get to see which option you ticked then the tick will be cleaned off from the page after x seconds.

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I am still confused on your usage of TXT files with MCM.


Anyway, disabling / enabling a group of options based on the status of another option is real simple. Working example:


A simple toggle on or off based on current status when the page is reset. Code from the OnPageReset event

        If FissActive == true
            FISSInterface fiss = FISSFactory.getFISS()
            If fiss

Take this a step further and not only disable / enable based on current status but disable / enable based on another option

Code from the OnPageReset event

        AddTextOptionST("ToggleState"+0, "$Use Alchemy Supplies", ComponentBehave[cbc0])
        If ComponentChoice[0] == 0
            AddTextOptionST("AutoSortState"+0,"$Auto-Store", AutoStoreBehave[asc0],OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED)
            AddToggleOptionST("Weightless"+0,"$Weightless", WeightlesActive[0],OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED)
            AddToggleOptionST("MerchExcl"+0,"$MerchExcl", MerchExclActive[0],OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED)
            AddToggleOptionST("RedoItems"+0,"$RedoItems", RedoItemsActive[0],OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED)
            AddTextOptionST("AutoSortState"+0,"$Auto-Store", AutoStoreBehave[asc0],OPTION_FLAG_NONE)
            AddToggleOptionST("Weightless"+0,"$Weightless", WeightlesActive[0],OPTION_FLAG_NONE)
            AddToggleOptionST("MerchExcl"+0,"$MerchExcl", MerchExclActive[0],OPTION_FLAG_NONE)
            AddToggleOptionST("RedoItems"+0,"$RedoItems", RedoItemsActive[0],OPTION_FLAG_NONE)

Code from the ToggleState state block

State ToggleState0
    Event OnSelectST()
        Int index = 0
        If (cbc0 < ComponentBehave.length - 2)
            cbc0 += 1
            cbc0 = 0
        ComponentChoice[index] = cbc0
        If ComponentChoice[index] != 0
            SetOptionFlagsST(OPTION_FLAG_NONE, false, "AutoSortState"+index)
            SetOptionFlagsST(OPTION_FLAG_NONE, false, "Weightless"+index)
            SetOptionFlagsST(OPTION_FLAG_NONE, false, "MerchExcl"+index)
            SetOptionFlagsST(OPTION_FLAG_NONE, false, "RedoItems"+index)
            AutoStoreChoice[index] = 0
            SetTextOptionValueST(AutoStoreBehave[0], false, "AutoSortState"+index)
            SetOptionFlagsST(OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED, false, "AutoSortState"+index)

            WeightlesActive[index] = false
            SetOptionFlagsST(OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED, false, "Weightless"+index)

            MerchExclActive[index] = false
            SetOptionFlagsST(OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED, false, "MerchExcl"+index)

            RedoItemsActive[index] = false
            SetOptionFlagsST(OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED, false, "RedoItems"+index)
    Event OnDefaultST()
        Int index = 0
        ComponentChoice[index] = 0

        AutoStoreChoice[index] = 0
        SetTextOptionValueST(AutoStoreBehave[0], false, "AutoSortState"+index)
        SetOptionFlagsST(OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED, false, "AutoSortState"+index)

        WeightlesActive[index] = false
        SetOptionFlagsST(OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED, false, "Weightless"+index)

        MerchExclActive[index] = false
        SetOptionFlagsST(OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED, false, "MerchExcl"+index)

        RedoItemsActive[index] = false
        SetOptionFlagsST(OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED, false, "RedoItems"+index)
    Event OnHighlightST()

What this does is the user gets presented with a single active option to choose how the alchemy container works: "Not Used" or "Non-Quest Item"

Other similar containers also have a "Quest Item" selection. At any rate, if the user picks anything but "Not Used" (at index 0) the other options become active for selection.


The key here is the use of the OPTION_FLAG_DISABLED and OPTION_FLAG_NONE flags within the different MCM function calls. For more information:

Set Option Flags




In looking further at the MCM FAQ page, I did notice that within the very last entry is a suggestion to use WaitMenuMode. I have never used it, so cannot state whether it would work for your needs.

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ty for the helpful informative IsharaMeradin. I overlooked FISSES, this changes things. In meantime I'll be sure to give that last function a try.

Edited by 3aq
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well damn, stupid question; how do I attach FISSES into a script? The furthest I was able to do is extends SKI configbase.


I wish to perform that example posted in the spoiler. apologies, and thanks.

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well damn, stupid question; how do I attach FISSES into a script? The furthest I was able to do is extends SKI configbase.


I wish to perform that example posted in the spoiler. apologies, and thanks.

The FISSES description page indicates that for the API information one should check out the original FISS. Everything you need to know should be there.

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