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The Skyrim School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


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I guess it could be like that eventually.



As of now I am planning on having 84 students and probably at least 10-20 faculty.

There could eventually be quests involving the mage's guild or the college of winterhold.

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Perhaps one could have some quest like steal books or sabotage experiments from the Guild.


What are the relation between the school and the locals?

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Haha that would be funny.


I could have a quest where you have to go steal the other college's statue or pull some prank.


They will not know about it - not sure how I could incorporate that into conversations.

I guess I could edit a few NPCs lines of dialogue.


Eventually if the school is as successful as I think it will be I will make a town like Hogsmeade (if you have read Harry Potter)

as kind of a extension of the school or maybe even eventually create rival schools.

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Oh wow I just realized you are the guy that created the flyable broomstick mod!


Will definitely be recommending your mod on this projects' description page.


Do you think it is possible to script a quidditch match?

I mean maybe like set invisible targets at the hoops and make a ball as a weapon.

I guess people on brooms could spawn and be set to wander around and the player could look for a snitch flying around.

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I don't know if that would be possible. The broom works by placing an invisible plate under the player so one can run in the air. I don't think that NPCs would understand that they could run in the air (the air have no nav-mesh), even less understand how to move up and down by looking up and down. One would probably need to use TranslateTo() in order to move them (causing them to clip through stuff). Add the complex rules of Quidditch and you got something that might be possible but very hard. Your simpler version of Quidditch might work though.


I would suggest adding more simple broom related (feel free to integrate the broom mod if you wish) activities. Perhaps things like racing (something like that was in the first Harry Potter game) or hidden item hunting?

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Ya probably starting off with simpler stuff would be better. The racing sounds easier to do for sure.

Will let you know if I ever integrate it or if I progress in scripting this one day.


I think it would probably be easier doing like you said to translate actors. I guess there could be preset

games and one of them would be randomly selected every time the player decided to play the game.


Would be awesome if someone made a firebolt mesh and texture.

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