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OBSE Error with log


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Hi guys.



I cant start Oblivion with the OBSE loader, but i can play oblivion perfectly fine with the normal launcher and exe.



The OBSE Log reads:


crc = 7934C86C

dll = D:\Games\Oblivion\obse_1_2_416.dll

Assertion failed in .\main.cpp (128): Launching Oblivion failed (code = 00000005 (5))



I've tried re-installing Oblivion, deleting all my mods, and resetting the oblivion.ini, but nothing works.


I have the latest patch 1.2.0416, no unofficial patch, no SI and KOTN. Just Oblivion, official patch, and OBSE, not even mods.


any idea?

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What version of the game (disk version or Steam)? You'll need the correct installation for the version you use (check the install instructions after you've unzipped the download).
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I'm using the disk version, non-steam. Not no-cd cracked too.


Yes, its all placed in the proper directories.


Could it be my firewall or anti-virus blocking the dll injection?


I've tried adding the obse_loader.exe to the trusted files of Comodo Firewall. Still not working.


I'll try adding them to trusted in SuperAntiSpyware, not just obse_loader.exe but all the obse files.




Nope, doesn't work. It's not been identified as malicious by Microsoft Security Essentials, so there shouldn't be any problems there right? I can't find any option to add as trusted files anyway.

Edited by maczuko
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Hi guys,


the Error occurs in the file "main.cpp" in line 128.

I read through the "main.cpp" of obse. The only thing obse is doing in line 128 of this file is to write an error-message with the last occurred error.

I looked up the error code 00000005 (5). Its full name is ERROR ACCESS DENIED. So I think obse_loader.dll tries to change something in a file, but it's not allowed to do that. I don't exactly know what file obse want to change, but I think it should be the Oblivion.ini.

Maybe your Oblivion.ini is write-protected, so you should look that up. If this doesn't work, try to execute Oblivion.exe or rather obse_loader.exe as administrator (a normal user with standard adjustments isn't allowed to write into files on a windows system).


I hope I was able to help you.



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Thank you all very much for your help, but nothing's working man.


I tried disabling all my anti-virus and anti-malware and starting obse_loader, but it doesn't work still.


I also tried UltharSeramis's suggestion, (thanks btw for the detailed explanation) but it still doesn't work. I'm gonna search on the obse thread before posting there, thanks again all.

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Check permissions on your install directory, and also on the My Games\Oblivion directory. Make sure they aren't set to "read only". From what it looks like, it is trying to write to a file, but, is being denied. Gotta be a permissions error.


Have you tried right-clicking on OBSE_Loader, and selecting "run as admin"?

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Yes, I've tried those. Run as admin and unset read-only, but still no work.


I agree that it is a permissions error, but I can't figure out what it is that's stopping it. Anti-virus, anti-malware, permissions set, but still nothing.


It worked fine before, mods and all. Then, as I started Skyrim, I uninstalled Oblivion to free up some space. Now I'd like to go back to Oblivion, but the obse doesn't work with the re-install.


Perhaps it could be an installation problem?

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