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Is this possible? Interception of Crashes.


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Would it be at all possible to create a mod that detects when failure will occur, and replace/remove the corrupt data/issue with something else in order to divert the Crash?

I think its annoying that the game does not even try to load some things, and instantly hides itself in shame when something presents itself causing instant "CTD".


So. What if a mod of some sort could find conflicts or events that would case a crash to desktop, and instead replace or simply remove the issue. Perhaps a secondary program runs that that freezes the game instead, showing some classy loading screen while it patches the game to eliminate the CTD issue perhaps giving a progress report/conflict report saying what it thinks went wrong.

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I'm not sure if you know how computers work (or more specifically: memory) but it doesn't hide itself in shame and throw a crash at you. It could be because of invalid pointers or corrupt memory caused by "bad" programming. I say "bad" because it's a difficult topic and no matter how good you are bugs can sneak in.
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