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New game question???


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Okay I downloaded the live another life mod, which is good, but for a new save I wanted to do the vanilla intro, but when I get to the character screen my character walks around Hadvar and the captain. After I complete it, then my character walks to the chooping block, and stands next to it before the stormcloak guy get his head chopped off.


After that I can't do anything, even if I coc out I can't do anything, and the characters just all stand there. Does anybody know what might be the issue. I even disabled the live another life mod and it did it still so I don't know if its a different one, or what?


If anybody knows anything or had a problem like this before, any info would be much appreciated.

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Did you continue from an autosave after you deactivated Live another life? If not try that, if so.. Probably something else in your load order doing it. I remember having this issue but cant remember how i solved it. Just go through normal process of elimination.
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