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Glass, Ebony, Daedric Breaks Immersion!


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Title says it all. I love this Norse/Medieval realm Beth created. The steel, iron, and leather gear all look amazing! But as I become higher level I have to start looking at these fugly, half-assed "higher-quality" materials.


Be it glass, ebony, daedric(it may look cool), but it all looks ridiculous when placed in the rest of the world. I'd feel like a tool walking around Whiterun in full Daedric gear. Every time I see them I'm pulled out of this magical Norse world, I'm about at the point where I don't want to see any of it in my game.


Skyforged would be the best weapons in the game, Dragonbone the best armor. Thoughts?

Edited by rockman4417
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I'm guessing this is your first time playing a TES game. Those armour types have been part of Elder Scrolls lore since Arena came out in 1994 (with the notable exception of glass, which was introduced in Morrowind in 2002), so I can only see them being immersion-breaking for someone who is new to the series. No judgement, I'm just saying, it seems pretty evident.


I'm not sure where you'd go for a mod that removes these armour types from the game. They'd need to be replaced by something, or there would be a notice-able quality gap in terms of armour at higher levels.

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You can't say its immersive-breaking if you don't know the lore behind it ;P


If you just don't like it there, I can understand that, but don't say its immersive-breaking when its not mmmkay?

But i'll admit glass and ebony looks a lot different in Skyrim, daedric looks like Morrowind but with a mixture of that "ugliness" in Oblivion, so it still looks the same to me.

Edited by Joshico
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I have to


No you don't, with the appropriate perks, some skill in smithing and a shield you can hit the armour rating cap with pretty much any kind of armour. So, you can wear steel armour at level 81 and still be just as protected as someone wearing a full dragonbone set.

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Your problem is that you are viewing this as a Norse/Viking society where such things would not be lore. But these are actually aliens who have been uprooted from their home worlds and transplanted to Tamrial. They only resemble the Ancient Norse of old. That's why you see such alien things like glass, ebony, Deadric, and even Japanese, weapons and armour appearing in the game. This all fits in with the Elder Scrolls mythology.




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it fits with the mythology and lore of TES but I sort of agree about the fugliness of a lot of the arms and armour.


I agree that there should be Mer, Khajit, Argonian and Daedric style armours and weapons, but do they have to look so impractical?

I'd love to see as much variations in each of the Mer armouries as there is for Man.

Argonian armour of varying styles and weight made from various combinations of leather, hides, chaurus and crab chitin.

but they should look as practical as the hide, leather, studded, iron, scaled, steel and plate.

I can live with the fantasy horned helmets but, considering the peoples of Tamriel have been fighting for thousands of years, their armour shouldn't look like fancy dress.


even some of the iron and steel weapons look ridiculous.

I sometimes feel like I'm back in Final Fantasy

if I knew how, I would edit Jaysus Swords to replace most of the vanilla weapons.

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It's the way they look that's the problem, not the actual materials themselves. If they could pull off a cool, Nordic looking glass set I'd love to have it. But as it is now, that armor looks like it belongs in some anime, being worn by a nine year old child with a 10 foot sword
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I'll grant you that a lot of the armour in Skyrim (and Oblivion before it) looks like it was designed by somebody that doesn't understand the basic princible of armour (i.e. to deflect blows, not catch them).

In reality all of the spiky crap you see on most armour sets would get you killed like as not. And i'm not even going to start on the skimpy female armour sets :whistling:


Edit: My personal favorite (looks wise) was this ebony armour from TES3

Edited by flobalob
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