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Skyrim Visual Quality Research


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Hello there,


First let me explain the meaning of this post, or may I say: research.


I do have a extremely powerfull computer, specialy built for computer gamming and Im the kind of guy who keeps benchmarking and trading parts to always have a up-to-date CPU, my personal meaning of "up-to-date cpu" is that I can run ANY game in the market of its TOP quality, so Im not those cpu bechmark guys who goes beyond the necessary over-clocking extremely, etc...


And them Skyrim stepped in my life.

I installed adding the DLC of Hight Resolution package. Runned it for the first time, tunning it to ULTRA quality and all top setups.

Played for days and found it very cool...


But them... came the MODs related to game graphics quality...


OMG... dozens of mods related to quallity improovement of graphics, better textures, better meshes, lights, dust, weather effects, skins, etc etc... some saying they do a thing other does... wich one is better!? do I need it!? GOSH! I belive Im not the only who experienced this feeling...


Please, be honest answering this question:

Are you SURE that your Skyrim, running ULTRA qualities with your mods, has the best visual possible?


I know, that some may say "foy my TASTE it is..." and taste is a subject that we cant discuss about... but theres also a common sense of quality that we could start to share, and that what I hope to keep track here...


So first lets organize this research related to SKYRIM VISUAL, its groups I feel like:


- ENVIROMENT (wheather, lights, shadows, etc...)

- NATURE (fauna, flora, water, dust, etc...)

- TECHNICAL (fps, meches, etc...)

- CHARACTERS (pc, npc, body, face, etc...)


I know some mods deals and improoves on two qualities, and most of the time mix of 2 compensates what other didnt did so well...

So, lets put our hands to work, to participate and help this research you need:


- To be running Skyrim with the DLC of High Resolution.

- Has ALL settings of the game better as possible.

- No MOD yet installed besides the IMPROOVEMENT APROOVED ones in the list of the next post.



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Here we go... First mod try out:





- INSTALLED: WATER - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux by OpticShoote




- Better reflections.

- Better natural reality.

- Better water particles.


Edited by Ketaroz
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Okay, taking now about the flora:





- MOD INSTALLED: Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt




- Worst them original, check the pine trees in the back specialy, a lot is being lost.

- Worst tree texture them original, also worst leafs and branches.


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Well, I have a ton of mods installed so I won't post any pics myself. Just going to say that if you are looking for the best possible visuals ENB is the way to go. Not recommending ours in particular, just ENB itself in general.
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