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In the main FO4 directory (under Steam/steamapps/common) there is a folder called 'Creations', and in that I found the manifest file. Now, I'm not positive that 'Creations' folder was created by the CC, BUT, I don't know where it came from, and no other mod I have - AFAIK - created it, thus, my assumption that that was something the CC put there to keep track of its stuff. I could be mistaken, however. I did delete it when I deleted everything else CC, with no ill effects, so that backs up my assumption it is something for the CC stuff (that and the name).


NOW, before I even deleted any of the other stuff I deleted that file, and it didn't help me. In fact, i deleted the whole (Creations) folder. I then reinstalled the game, and then overwrote that with my old copy of the game (trying a very roundabout way to try and get my game working again, because a 'vanilla' install would work, but my modded one would not). At that point there was no 'Creations' folder, because I had already deleted it, and the new install from Steam did not add one. After that, I just deleted everything else CC-related, and everything worked again. I have since added back in all the CC files I had EXCEPT the armor (and pipboy) skins. I now notice that 'Creations' folder is BACK... but there is nothing in it. No manifest file. So I have no idea whats really going on there, I am just glad my game is working currently.

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Thanks. It was probably the only one of his FR novels that received critical acclaim, because of its realism (dealing with the problems of alcoholism, which fantasy novels avoid). I never got to meet the author (R.A. Salvatore), although I was supposed to - family stuff came up that year so he never made it to Gencon. I did meet most of the others, and are friends with them (I do the maps at the front of some of those books). I even (briefly) worked with the amazing Ed Greenwood on a project, the creator of the Forgotten Realms (and the REAL Elminster himself LOL). Good times, but sadly, all behind me now. I've left P&P RPGs behind.



well dam. Its amazing who you meet on these forums isn't it. I also really liked the inversion of the classic nobel man wants a common girl but she wants the strapping farm lad tale. I had largely written of Wulfgar until that point as well and didn't expect much of a story with him as a main protagonist. Yet it stands as one of my all time favorite books he's written and was probably the moment i realised how much more i loved realistic characters with believable flaws than those of near super human perfection.


Likewise though D&D is all behind me now. That is unless we get a true open world rpg using the license or at least something to Neverwinter's level.

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Thats pretty cool Markus, I still play RPGs on the table (with minis I paint and terrain I make) - video games still have not progressed IMHO past the tabletop RPG and a good GM. Though if I get any deeper in the modding hole I'll probably forget what the real world looks like anymore.

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LOL - you and me both.


I have TONS of fond memories from all my years as a P&P gamer, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I had a bit of a 'meltdown' awhile back, an alienated a LOT of folks I used to work and be friends with, but Ed Greenwood stuck by me regardless (sort of... its a LONG story). Anyhow, some of my maps (same user name) are still up on DeviantART, although I took most of my stuff down when I had my meltdown. Not the prettiest maps - that honor would probably go to Mike Schley (another friend) but mine are considered THE MOST ACCURATE, according to Ed and many of the people who worked for TSR/WotC (even the ones who hated me... I'd like to think it was jealousy, but it probably had more to do with my 'lovely' personality LOL). Many of the maps done by Mike and others that came out in official projects were just 'repaints' of mine (not discrediting their talents - mine were just more accurate than any official maps, because I read EVERYTHING an actually calculated travel times, direction, etc from ALL the novels and sourcebooks). I managed to make tons of corrections that made it into official maps, and even slipped some of my homebrew locales into them (got in trouble for that one LMAO). There were some things I couldn't fix, like the donkey ride (by a young woman AND a dwarf on the SAME donkey) that was a thousand miles... in a single day. And that was by one of FR's most beloved authors. The one thing I learned from all of that is that authors aren't gods, and make lots of mistakes. They just don't like being called-out on them (then again, who does? There's my lovely personality again).


I basically created the geological and meteorological template for the planet, by backwards-engineering ALL the info available in sourcebooks. In other words, when an author/designer needed to know which way the wind was blowing on a certain day, they had to come to me (many didn't, which created continuity errors, but whatever). I guess that's why Ed hired me to help design his latest world... too bad that didn't end well. Ah well, all water under the bridge now. Time to get a new community hating/loving me. :tongue:

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