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Which Artifact did you Sacrifice?


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Just don't get rid of azuras star, its probably the most useful of them all


It's a sweet item in the unmodded game for sure but I think my favourite overall is the skeleton key unbreakable lockpick thingy.


I hate picking locks so that item is my must have.

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I gave up the useless Mace of Molag Bal. What a useless (and shameful) piece of crap. I felt bad about the way I got it, and it took forty forevers to kill me with it, even with a drain health spell and eating a bunch of nightshade.
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The daedric artifacts divide about half/half for me on things to keep or give up. I can usually spare the weapons because their meshes tend to be disappointing and their stats "balanced" to the point of being useless compared to my modded items.


I always keep Azura's Star (so hard to hang onto Grand Soul Gems) and the Skeleton Key; sometimes I keep the Sanguine Rose for its pretty mesh (though it's not very useful). Anything else is pretty much up for grabs.

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I gave up the useless Mace of Molag Bal. What a useless (and shameful) piece of crap. I felt bad about the way I got it, and it took forty forevers to kill me with it, even with a drain health spell and eating a bunch of nightshade.


Install the Midas Spells mod, Myrmaad. Then you can take that mace and make it into a "Midas Nuclear Blast" spell. Nice FX. An actual mushroom cloud in-game.


If your character is too close however, not only will s/he be knocked flat, but also be coated with nuclear ash for a time! ;D

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Azurra's star, not big on magic use,so I get rid of that one.

late answer I know, just now I saw this thread. I can't concur with you here and say why:


Practically any Daedra artifact usefulness or coolness depends on the character, even the fabulous skeleton key, a must have for fighters, isn't essential for thieves and less yet to mages. But the Azura's Star is an exception, it never loses it's utility, even the most dumb fighter is smart enough to have some type of magical weapon and if that weapon follows the original game rules it is "hungry for souls". A PC can aways recharge their weapons at mages guilds or use Varla stones, but even the not so dumb fighter should have at least soultrap as support magic.


Anyway this choice will aways be different to different players, and indeed the Azura's Star is the only one that "reveals" a bit of information of Martin's past.


Obviously mods can change things alot...


Edit: The thing that most concern me about the Afinity sword is it being a so powerful weapon that in vanilla game it could be placed in the cheat category and more... when it "evolves" (I'll not give up what this mean here) it could be even in modded games, not least for including soultrap among it's new abilities.

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Hope I don't sound like an ass, but I think the best answer to the OP is wabbajack.


It's effect is unpredictable (and not always good), and it hasn't got very many charges so it's not something you can use on a regular basis--so there's no reason not to scrap it.

It's very easy to get (unless you have trouble picking locks--in which case you can pickpocket the lady while she sleeps). And most importantly, it's available at level 2. Unless you want to wait until level 10, the only other options you have are Azura's Star (unthinkable!), Namira's Ring (level 5), Vaermina's Skull of Corruption (level 5), and the Sanguine Rose (level 8 ).


The only down side of wabbajack is that you have to plan ahead. The world is full of yarn and lettuce (not so full of lesser soul gems), but when you need some its never available. Still, you can find both in the Leyawiin mage's guild.

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  • 1 month later...
Azura's Star: I don't soul trap much, but I keep it stored.


Goldbrand: Use it to make a Midas Spell (summon it anytime I want, it's intelligent too).


Volendrung: Midas Spell.


Mace of Molag Bal: Midas Spell (makes a nuclear mushroom cloud).


Spell Breaker: Midas Spell.


Wabbajack: More useful as a Midas Spell.


What I would be willing to give up is the Masque, Savior's Hide, Ebony Blade, Ring of Khajiiti (any of those). What's left in the list I keep.


I never got the mask because I kept Umbra, which is awesome. Anywho I gave him Wabbajack. It's funny but has only 8 uses and costs a bomb to recharge. And one I turned a rat into a bear! I was only level 4!

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  • 4 months later...

I gave up Volendrung the first time I played the MQ, as I'm really not a big fan of any sort of blunt weaponry, I didn't have the Masque of Clavicus Vile (I decided to keep Umbra), I like the rest of the swords&rings&stuff, Azura's Star is really useful and Wabbajack is awesome.


Azura's Star is really HIGHLY RECCOMENDED NOT to be given up to be sacrificed, seeing as it is definately one of the most useful of the daedric artifacts, maybe of all artifacts in-game.

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i gave martin the aszura's star....yeah i was a sucker on my first playing of the MQ. Now i usualy give volderung but it is also true that i had only 3 of the artifatcs in the game. i seem to forgot about them while playing.
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