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Question on a DLC and slight venting


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It is odd though. I have not come across anyone here or face to face who actually feels the same way. I apologise though. The lonely bug is biting me again.
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Christine was one of the best developed characters in the DLC, probably the game. She made a HELL of a lot more sense than Ulysses did (I still have no idea what BUG was up his ASS). And Dead Money was the only DLC that really embraced the survival aspect of the game.


It actually seemed to me each DLC embraced a different aspect.


Dead Money - Survival Horror

Honest Hearts - Exploration

Old World Blues - Uh... SCIENCE!

Lonesome Road - Ruin

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Dead Money was my 2nd favourite DLC with OWB as my first. And I completely agree that Christine Royce was a very well written character. I genuinely made every effort to ensure her survival and I like how, at the end, she choose to stay at the Sierra Madre rather than leave with the Courier. It made perfect sense as she was damaged but found a place she could begin again as the guardian of the Sierra Madre. I liked Dean Domino too and found him to be an intriguing personality. The interesting thing for me was that when I played through DM for the 1st time, I didn't try to persuade/etc Dean as my speech skill was too low and in the end that was the way to ensure he didn't turn against you at the end [spoiler I know :whistling: ] I liked Dog/God too however I found God's mutterings to be really annoying after a while and thus spent as little time with him as I needed to. I would have in fact killed him but due to the explosive collars... :verymad: [sigh]


DM's survival aspect was probably the best part of the DLC and having to really be careful and make do with what you found made it an excellent challenge. Yeah the radio's were sometimes ragequit annoying because there were a couple that I just couldn't get past [for a while at least] but eventually I learnt how to time it and explored as much of the ruins with Christine for her ability to interfere with the signals thus giving you that little bit of extra time to destroy or avoid the radios.



I also like the ending if the Courier chooses to side with Father Elijah, which ends the game right there. Very evil indeed :devil:

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i both like and hate DM, story and puzzle are great but explosive collar beacon really made me mad at some point.


i like the concept of "letting it go" while i found out most people apeshit about try to get all gold out of DM while you should letting it go : P


although it's sad about that we can't go back to it without using mod or console command but yes like it said "letting it go"


DM and OWB really have strong emotion.

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I think the radio bomb collars were the most hated aspect of Dead Money but at the same time they really made the game better as if forced you to be really cautious and think carefully plus look around so much too. You had to pay attention to your surroundings and really look hard and think ahead.


DM & OWB definitely had a deeper emotional impact than Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts. For me, Honest Hearts was only about wiping out a bunch of savages that threatened to despoil one of the last pristine places in the wasteland. I had no emotional investment with the Burned Man or Daniel. If anything Follows Chalk was more interesting than any of the other NPC's EXCEPT for the survivalist, Randall Clark. I found his story to be the best bit of writing in all of the Fallout series so far. It was short but it was powerful and above all, believable. It had the ring of truth to it. It read like a genuine diary of a sole survivor of the great war and his efforts to stay sane and alive. His pain at losing both his wife and son in the war and then his 2nd love and baby were palpable. Again, it's some of the best writing done in Fallout. Which is a pity because they should be striving to hit that mark as often as they can. But I digress....


Getting back to DM, I took as much gold as I could carry without being over-encumbered. I also managed to trap Elijah in the Vault as killing him was too easy, he needed to die slowly from starvation and insanity. In fact I made sure I left all my supplies of food, drink etc inside the Vault so he'd last longer in there :devil: plus it made room to take one more bar of gold :dance:


But yeah, the lesson about letting go was important yet I think it was lost on a lot of people.

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