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Blood on the Ice bugged


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I triggered the 1st scene where you stumble upon the 1st victim killed and need to examine and find witness. I did everything to where I talked to Jorleif and accused Wuunferth of being the killer. Investigate the Manor, collect the items, talked to Viola then Calixto and sold the amulet to him. I did leave the city and didn't come back for probably a couple weeks in day's wise doing other things. And when I came back to finish the quest to unlock the Manor to live in and Arivanya was naked apart from under wear and had cuts and guoges out. Seems I must have missed the timing for when she is suppose to die. I looked through the quest to figure out how to get unstuck but for what I was experiencing it wasn't there. I did try to use the commands the quest pointed out like disabling and enabling Calixto and Arivanya. Even did the ressurect and reset ai. I then tried to kill Arivanya and it seems she can't die. Even the kill command wont kill her. She just staggered.


Any way to fix this or bypass this part?


I did talk to Wuunferth in prison and he said to go to the quarter after 7pm to catch the killer. I did that and Calixto followed Arivanya around and did nothing but follow. I did somehow get Arivanya to disapear. Might have done disable on her and Calixto did the kill animation at the quarter but no one was there. I then enabled Arivanya and she stood in that spot but nothing happened. I didn't get any update to the quest or anything. It was still listed as completed.


I'm not sure if using the quest commands will work. I tried to use them for the Deadric Quest for the orc stronghold since the gate was locked and couldn't be picked. I had no luck enabling the quest to show up in log or trigger any of the parts of the quest and did every command for quests. So no idea if it will work for this since I had no luck with the previous quest.


Edit: Doubt it helps but I'm playing the Standard Legendary Edition.

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This quest is notoriously bugged and it's almost a decade old, and can be rendered unfinishable of you do things in the wrong order.
Bethesda really screwed this one up and never bothered to fix it.

However, you can download the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch in the hopes of fixing the bug.


Also, the more you use console commands in your game, the more you'll ruin your saves

From the sounds of your description you've messed around too much with the console commands and have broken the quest even farther.

I would suggest loading a save game BEFORE the quest started and trying again.
I always make sure to make a savegame before I ever touch that quest, because it's such a mess.

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I've never had such issues with it before. Think last time I couldn't even get the 2nd murder to happen. Never knew this quest was bugged so bad. I do have that patch but thats not doing anything.


Usually when I start doing console commands I save before I do things in case I need to reload. I don't normally use the console unless this stuff happens. I play with controller because I'm use to playing Skyrim wth it and to lazy to pick the keyboard up to use the console. Played this when it first came out on 360. And only bugged I ran into was the Sheogroth Quest. It was so bugged on the 360 you had to gltch the Hiricine Quest to trigger the trophy.


I'm not suprised the console will mess the save up. I normally don't use it unless I need to get past a glitch like that quest. And even then I make a save before incase things don't work.


I'm not to concerned about the quest. I've beaten this a few times now so just trying new things out.


But regarding this quest, is it better to talk to Wuunferth instead of Jorleif? Think the quest was saying its better to do it that way. I've only ever talked to Jorleif 1st.

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