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Wrye Bash Batch Install Order?


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I'm trying to figure out if I'm misunderstanding the concept of install order, or if Wrye Bash is just being retarded when installing more than one mod.

I organized my mods in the installers tab in the order that I would like them installed. Unofficial Patch 0, Unofficial SI Patch 1, etc, etc. When I select them all and click install...it proceeds to install all of the mods in precisely the opposite order...wtf. Basically the Unofficial patch is the last thing it installs. I'm starting to understand why so many people prefer to avoid this program, but I need it for All Natural Weathers for some reason, they insist on using a batched patch.

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Let me preface this with the admission that I only have used Wrye Bash to install a handful of mods (what can I say, I'm a manual install dinosaur).


Way back in the Bevilex mod comments there was some discussion regarding WB's behaviour while populating the Install tab, and how it was counterintuitive to what you would perhaps expect while adding mods to it. Most people start at the top of a mod list like Bevi's and work their way down (not an unreasonable method). What happens in WB's Installer tab is that each mod that is added is put at the top of the list of mods that are already on the Installer tab. The problem is that when you actually install from the now populated list is that WB starts at the top of the list and works it's way down (so the mods that are supposed to installed last are installed first).


When I first read your OP I wondered where you were putting each of those mods ... first to install at the top of the list or the bottom?

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And also worth mentioning: If you don't want to use BAIN but only need Wrye Bash for its Bashed Patch, then don't use BAIN. It's nothing to do with the Bashed Patch or vice versa. They're 2 isolated features just provided by the same tool, Wrye Bash.


I for one am managing "all" my installs through NMM currently, but still launching Wrye Bash every time after changes have been made, to a) manage my load order and b) update the Bashed Patch... but "only" for that.

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