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'Radioactive' wasteland, yet it's mostly radiation-free.. HMM..


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In all reality, there would be very little of anything left. Most man-made structures, regardless of construction method, if not maintained, would be gone. Most of downtown boston would be a vegetation covered hill. Some of the bomb craters would likely still be 'hot', but, for the most part, radiation just wouldn't be that much of an issue.

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In all reality, there would be very little of anything left. Most man-made structures, regardless of construction method, if not maintained, would be gone. Most of downtown boston would be a vegetation covered hill. Some of the bomb craters would likely still be 'hot', but, for the most part, radiation just wouldn't be that much of an issue.

Yes, exactly. Except for craters still being hot, actually, even that wouldn't be a thing. But this is a retro "sci-fi", it's effectively fantasy and realism is deliberately not a thing. Remnants of the old world and radiation magitastically lasting forever is every bit part of the fantasy, just as much as radiation making immortal zombies and giant insects being at all a possibility (their method of respiration is not viable at any larger of a scale than they're already at). If you want more rads in the wasteland, that fits the fantasy just fine.

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In all reality, there would be very little of anything left. Most man-made structures, regardless of construction method, if not maintained, would be gone. Most of downtown boston would be a vegetation covered hill. Some of the bomb craters would likely still be 'hot', but, for the most part, radiation just wouldn't be that much of an issue.

Yes, exactly. Except for craters still being hot, actually, even that wouldn't be a thing. But this is a retro "sci-fi", it's effectively fantasy and realism is deliberately not a thing. Remnants of the old world and radiation magitastically lasting forever is every bit part of the fantasy, just as much as radiation making immortal zombies and giant insects being at all a possibility (their method of respiration is not viable at any larger of a scale than they're already at). If you want more rads in the wasteland, that fits the fantasy just fine.


Yeah, but, Radiation mutated huge critters have been a thing in sci-fi for quite some time. :D

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Yeah, but, Radiation mutated huge critters have been a thing in sci-fi for quite some time. :D

Right. And Fallout is deliberately unrealistic retro sci-fi (though none of its devs could make up their mind whether it's a parody or not), so of course giant bugs are a thing.

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You guys are trying to make sense of something that is a combination of bad science and bad writing. However the OP wanted a mod to simulate his fantasy, gave it to him and I don't even know if I was able to help him out because I got some idiots arguing about the realism of a video game.

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