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How to enjoy Morrowind?


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Don't get me wrong, I've played this game a few times, and I loved it, especially the story. I think it's the deepest of all the TES games. But there are some things I just can't stand.


-Here's what I usually what I do in Oblivion and Skyrim: Do 5-10% of the main quest, then do all the Fighters Guild quests, then all Mages Guild quests, then all Thieves Guild quests, then all Dark Brotherhood quests. In Oblivion and Skyrim, that was that, no questions asked. But in Morrowind, it got a little complicated. I was progressing through the Fighters Guild quests, when I was given a quest to clear out some baddies in a cave (forgot the name), and the guy guarding the inside of the entrance whooped my ass. And then soon after, the others in the cave whooped my ass too! I don't see the change in difficulty all the sudden. I know Morrowind has set-levels for NPCs. Any solution for this?


-Vivec is confusing. Yes, confusing.I find it hard to find my destination in Vivec. This is actually why I stopped playing Morrowind the last time. I had to find a ring for some Orc in Vivec, and I got so frustrated for returning to that hell-maze that I stopped playing. Any solutions for this?


-No Fast Travel. I know I'm going to get hated for this, but Oblivion was my first TES game. I was used to the constant fast travel. Not to mention the Nerevarine runs slow as molasses in the beginning of the game.


That's it, really. Can you guys help me? I REALLY want to play Morrowind. I just can't bring myself to without addressing these issues first. If there are mods that can help these issues, please, by all means, list them. And please, list mods that you'd think would improve my playing experience. Thanks.

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I hate Vivec, myself. If it were a real city, there would be signs everywhere, and landmarks, and decorations that would differentiate one place from another, instead of everything being homogeneous. The best I can suggest is a mod called something like "Open air cantons", which replaces the buildings with the version of the building from one of the other smaller places, but which has an open-air area on the roof, and it moves all the stuff from the top levels of the buildings in Vivec into those. That'll help a little bit.


For getting around, try the multi-mark mod, and learn the mark and recall spells for teleporting to anywhere you mark. Or get an item that can cast those spells. Also, use the spells/items Divine Intervention and Almsivi Intervention, to teleport you to the nearest temples. And of course there are also the silt strider taxis and Mages' Guild teleportation services, and the teleporters in each of the old strongholds, but you have to find the keys for each of those. There are some mods that add more teleporters to various places. I don't know of mods that add fast travel per se, but there might be some out there.

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Everything you need to know about the the game is here.



Purhaps you will find some useful information from a previous unrelated topic. [bottom of page]


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  • 4 weeks later...
I remember when I played Morrowind my first time, I always got lost. I had no internet(I had the xbox version and no pc) to look up anything, so some stuff were a challenge to find. I'd skip over a cave I was trying to find by mistake. I never liked the idea of fast travel like in Oblivion/Skyrim, but quest markers were a god send. Without them, you often miss stuff easy, especially in Morrowind. Edited by mrbisshie
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I know this is an older topic, but you may still want to know how to restore the game so that it's newer without losing it's charm.


A great resource for me was Morrowind Expanded. Some of the links are dead, so you have to look around with Google, going to sites like Morrowind Mod History and Planet Elder Scrolls. Quite a few mods are still on there, even if a few mod downloads are broken. You can also always try the nexus site for Morrowind. For clothing and armor for Better Bodies, look to Google and and Uesp. There is actually a page with some links to mods for Better bodies on there. Uesp is also a great resource for a lot of info on the game, including available spells and where you can find them.


Don't be afraid to look on google for other lists and such to get info about mods you might not know about. It was a great help to me. One particular one that stood out to me was Character Maker by Zerocyde. It lets you distribute your attribute points and skill bonuses as you please. It's quite handy for making a character that specializes in certain skills.


As to the speed issue. Look for the boots of blinding speed. They cast 100% blind on you, but increase your speed attribute by 200 points. If you choose Breton, you have a natural 50% resistance to magic, making you only half blind. The location of them is on the wiki. By the way, you don't have to escort her. You can just go kill her.


If you want some specific recommendations beyond that initial list I linked to, feel free to message me. I know how you feel. My first game was really Oblivion, but I had some bad times with Morrowind as a kid as well. You definitely get used to Vivec City after a while and the game becomes a lot of fun once you really get into it. The combat may be off a bit, at times, but some proper leveling makes it a lot less awkward than it initially is. A final warning. The game is quite old and a couple of important sites have gone down over time(the cause of those broken links). You will have a bit of trouble, but Morrowind Mod History is attempting to restore a lot of those older mods that aren't available any more. So if you really can't find it anywhere and really want to use it, either dig deeper on the smaller sites or be patient and wait till they restore more of the mods.

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If you want some improvements on the graphical side, I highly recommend using a nice texture mod (I use Visual Pack 3-in-1), MGE XE, Vurt's vegetation mods, and SWG Skies. The difference is breathtaking, and it's worth the trouble only for MGE XE's distant land feature, and also for it's amazing water shader (one of the best I've ever seen in a game, comparable to Crysis).
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I know Morrowind combat sucks since you swing a sword and always miss and the person who your fighting always hits you and you just end up dying or take five minutes fighting one person. Use the Better Gameplay mod. It makes combat more like Oblivion. And for graphics just download many texture packs and see what you like best. I liked some textures from some mods and some from other packs so I merge a few together to makes the best graphics to my taste. MGE does give distant land but can be tough on your computer and if so just decrease the distance. My is probably half of what it is in Oblivion but still is far enough to look real. I know going backward from Oblivion is tougher. I started from Morrowind and worked up to Skyrim. And Vivec is confusing but I got used to it just like when I first play Oblivion and got lost in the Imperial City but now know my way around. Vivec has the Foreign Quarter tower which is the tallest tower in Vivec to the north. Then south is four towers from east west Telvanni, Arena, Redoran, Hlaalu. South of that is from east to west St. Olms and St. Delyn. Then south is the Temple andsouth of that is the Palace which you will rarely go to. The poor live in the lower levels and the rich live in the upper like a ship. Edited by LegoManIAm94
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