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How do copy my changes from one armor to another in Bodyslide?


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Simply put I downloaded Legendary conversions and recolors and want to convert it to my CBBE body. Except I want my mesh volume fixes (all the removed clipping) to remain consistent between the two colors of the armor in the mod instead of converting each color one by one. I tried doing that and one armor had a bigger bust size than the other its a pain to make em both accurately the same.


This is the mod:



I'm want to copy my mesh changes from the red outfit to the blue



So any way to simply copy over my changes changes between colors? Or any other possible fixes to make this easier? I'm sill kinda new to this stuff...


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1. Convert one (Red). Save it.

2. Open up the other one (Blue) in another OS. So, 2x Outfit Studio open, one with the converted Red, one with the unconverted Blue.

3. Double click on the outfit meshes in the top-right pane of the both Red and Blue.

4. Make sure the information of this popup ('Shape Properties') is the same for both Red and Blue. If not, copy over the settings for Blue into Red.

5. Click on "Textures..." on the middle-right of the window that pops up for both Red and Blue.

6. Copy all of the texture directories from Blue to Red, exactly as they appear, exactly in the right row, then click 'ok', then 'ok' again.

7. File -> Save Project As...

8. Change the Display Name, Outfit File Name, possibly Outfit Data Path, and the Shape Data File so it's different from Red and points to Blue's directory. Save.

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Thanks I feel like I made some improvements but...


Well everything copied over all right, I changed the file names too in everything you mentioned prior to saving so it gets sorted in a seperate folder from the my original conversion.


Except now there's another weird problem, when I preview the mod in bodyslide prior to pressing "build" it shows up with the correct bodyslide adjustments that I made for my female body however once I start the game up none of those changes show in-game, instead the opposite happens with my character's body changing to a default look whenever I wear the blue armor, it doesn't maintain the cbbe body adjustments that were shown in the preview screen. All my other armors work fine though.


I don't have this problem at all with the red one just the blue one. Any ideas?


edit: Nevermind figured it out. Just created each conversion from my overwrite folder into a new seperate mod with the proper data pathways so it can overwrite my base armor mods nif files. Thanks a lot for your help!

Edited by brownie187
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