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Not the snow and ashstorms!


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I first played Morrowind on an old Compaq with 256 megs of RAM, 900 MHz processor, and using a TNT2 card.

And it ran almost really good, except for the lag during ashstorms and the almost unbearable lag during snowstorms.


My new computer, an HP with 1.87 gig processor, 512 megs of ram, and an ATI Mobility Radeon graphics card (it's a laptop).

Guess what? Still the same bad lag during the same weather effects.


Is there any tweaks that I can do to the game to make it perform better? Morrowind is the only game that I experience lag problems, and only during ashstorms and snowstorms (in snowstorms I'm almost unable to do anything).

Help would be appreciated.

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You might try and download the Morrowind FPS Optimizer... I don't have a link, but it should be pretty easy to find with Google.


OT> I hate sandstorms. If you think NPCs move slowly normally, try escorting one while walking against a sandstorm.

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well, the 900 mhz box i can understand laggin. The problem with the laptop is the letter grouping HP. fix that and you will have no problems.

Trust me, the HP was not my idea (the thing was a gift). I have no money so I'll have to deal with it for a while.



I'll try Daerk's Tweak guide, I've also set my game resolution to 800x600 (unfortunatly, the menus are horrid in 800x600). I don't want to disable the ashstorms because they are a central part of Morrowind, the blight from Dagoth Ur and all.


I might have to do that with the snowstorms, even though they are pretty cool.


Thanks for the help.



Edit: Heh... I just read through all the posts in Daerk's Tweak guide and realized I was the last post in there. Forgot about that, I guess I can try and follow my own old advice. :lol:

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