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Dumn qn: is this as good as last two Elder scrolls games?


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Ive heard bad things generally about Bioware games and experienced the horror of getting the Mass Effect 2 dlc up and running, and saw a review mention this has been an issue with DA too, but the DA ultimate edition comes with all 9 so should be a non issue


I really like the mechanics and fantasy realms of Oblivion and Skyrim but dont know anything about DragonAge origins other than its said to have heavier role playing element, but not whether its done very well. Also hows the combat in DA compared to the last two TES games, and does it also have interesting missions and alotof gameplay


sorry if this' been asked a million times already, i just dont knowwhere its discussed

Edited by nisen
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well i only know ME1 and 2 from the Bioware stable

heres my long ranting opinion of those games


thought ME1 was epic but too short on content so really hoped itd be properly fleshed out in 2 (continuing the story and characters) but really disliked how it altered the mood and character loyalties and objectives and game mechanics. And compared to TES and Fallout games the ME2 expansions were like simplistic short quest mods that you can find in the hundreds on Nexus for gratis. I ended up paying 50 bucks for the dlc which were like 3 hours extra gameplay (that took longer to download and install) which shouldve been included free, considering it feels even shorter on content than ME1. In the end, assume ME3 "finished" the story meant to be told, but heard its also really short, and I still think the three games shoudve been rolled into one all along in the form of inexpensive dlc added for ME1: the experience left me very cynical of Bioware$ motives


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The DAO world and game-play are very different from TES (and the ME-series.) I am still replaying DAO (and yes, DA2 as well) after more than a dozen full runs. But I couldn't see the point of Skyrim after more than 120 hours and about 30% of the achievements. (Got so tired of working so hard just to look around!)


It's plot- and character-driven, as compared to TES's first-person perspective. Interactions with NPCs, especially your Companions, make a huge difference in the experience. For the better!

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DAOrigins is fantastic, I've never played any RPG like that before, the lack of an open world was more than compensated for by the interaction with companions and getting to know them, lots of different voice actors, I've never, ever played an RPG more than once, Origins I played so many times I lost count, some playathroughs were purely so I could use different mods.


Awakening I found very very flat and confining eg. if I didn't do things in a certain order then I couldn't complete everything, there was no real interaction with companions I found that horrible after Origins what interaction there was seemed totally pointless.


DA2 I'm currently on my first play through and in what I believe to be Act 3, again compared to Origins I'm not finding it the least bit immersive it's flat like Awakening, the "romance" is pointless and it's so obviously been done on the cheap.

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good stuff, i watched a couple youtube vids and the voice acting sounded great, and with the game guide shouldnt have too many problems learning the ropes,plus noticed gameplay uses similar 3rd person style as the Witcher which is ok with me


btw was just about to start downloading and the popup said its a 25GB install so gonna put it off just yet, but wanted to ask are all the dlc huge files in their own right or is vanilla game allready like 15-20GB to start with? I was expecting it to be mabye 5GB plus a couple extra for dlc, but guessing now the bulk of its the audio files

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Base game: 18.5GB (13,090 Files, 526 Folders)

All DLC (Ultimate Edition): 7GB, (6,220 Files, 391 Folders)


Currently installed mods: 1.5GB, (1,380 Files, 131 Folders)

Total mods on-hand: 4GB (compressed).


Yeah, it's a big game! :thumbsup:

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Did you get it ??


It's a great game, reminds me of Wow in some aspects ( i think they used the same game-engine).

The cinematics are good, and the dialogue is allright. The gameplay is awesome.


I haven't played TES yet. I'm playing through DA:O for the third time instead :biggrin:

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