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Is the Dragonborn actually Tiber Septim?


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On a recent playthrough, I was doing the Ghost of Old Hroldan quest, where you return a sword for a ghost who keeps calling you Hjalti, one of Tiber Septim's old nicknames, and it suddenly occured to me that the ghost might be right. Why would the ghost mistake you for Tiber Septim after you sleep in Tiber Septim's bed? Maybe because you are Tiber Septim.


Consider: in Morrowind, you turn out to be the reincarnation of Nerevar. Unaware of it at first, you start exhibiting skills far beyond those of any ordinary mortal, and eventually become Hortator of every House. Eventually even Dagoth Ur accepts you as the second coming of Nerevar, a man he knew very well as a close personal friend. Here we find the Dragonborn appearing with a unique skill which everyone keeps saying has not been seen since Tiber Septim. He appears at a time when the worship of Talos has been outlawed and everyone is saying that Talos is either destroying Skyrim or about to save it as a result. As in Morrowind, you immediately start gathering honours and titles like ordinary mortals collect postage stamps, and eventually stick a sword into the greatest dragon which ever existed. Tsun even hints that you're no ordinary mortal, commenting on how the living simply aren't allowed into Shor's Hall... right before he lets you into Shor's Hall.


Are the writers of Skyrim deliberately trying to imply that the Dragonborn is Tiber Septim, or is this something I've pulled out of my ass?

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I thought that was a strange event also. I took it as this. The soldiers spirit saw into the spirit realm. In that, he saw the dragon blood. The Dragon Born being bloodkin was seen as his old friend.
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You know, a thought just occured to me. We learn in Oblivion that the Nerevarine leaves Morrowind and disappears. We hear nothing after that. The Nerevarine is the embodiment of the people of Morrowind. Here, in Skyrim, we have what may be the reincarnation of Tiber Septim - the embodiment of both Skyrim and the Empire. Given the violent history between the Empire and Morrowind (and Skyrim and the elves for that matter), could Bethesda be setting up a sequel in which the Nerevarine and the Dovahkiin are on opposite sides of a battle for the future of Tamriel, and the player is forced to choose between them, the same way the player chooses between Stormcloaks and Imperials in Skyrim?


Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it, it suddenly seems suspicious that the power behind the Aldmeri Dominion is kept deliberately vague. In Oblivion we learn two things: the Nerevarine has left Morrowind for parts unknown, and that there is unrest in the Summerset Isles. Could the two be connected? Is the power behind the Aldmeri actually the Nerevarine working to destroy the Empire? Seems plausible, and a good contender for the location and plotline of the next Elder Scrolls game, the Dovahkiin and the Empire VS the Nerevarine and the Aldmeri in the Summerset Isles.

Edited by PharmakosChroster
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Here we find the Dragonborn appearing with a unique skill which everyone keeps saying has not been seen since Tiber Septim.

Who says that? All of the emperors of the Septim dynasty, right down to Martin, were dragonborn.

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I love the idea that my character IS Talos. I think I'll make a new character based around that idea. Still a woman of course. :3 Talos! The great and might man of man! Has re-... has become a woman?
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You know, a thought just occured to me. We learn in Oblivion that the Nerevarine leaves Morrowind and disappears. We hear nothing after that. The Nerevarine is the embodiment of the people of Morrowind. Here, in Skyrim, we have what may be the reincarnation of Tiber Septim - the embodiment of both Skyrim and the Empire. Given the violent history between the Empire and Morrowind (and Skyrim and the elves for that matter), could Bethesda be setting up a sequel in which the Nerevarine and the Dovahkiin are on opposite sides of a battle for the future of Tamriel, and the player is forced to choose between them, the same way the player chooses between Stormcloaks and Imperials in Skyrim?


Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it, it suddenly seems suspicious that the power behind the Aldmeri Dominion is kept deliberately vague. In Oblivion we learn two things: the Nerevarine has left Morrowind for parts unknown, and that there is unrest in the Summerset Isles. Could the two be connected? Is the power behind the Aldmeri actually the Nerevarine working to destroy the Empire? Seems plausible, and a good contender for the location and plotline of the next Elder Scrolls game, the Dovahkiin and the Empire VS the Nerevarine and the Aldmeri in the Summerset Isles.

You did a excelent observation, you really have a good understanding of the story of the Elder Scrolls.

But i think its too hard to the Empire to fight the Aldmeri Dominion, they already accepted the peace agreement because the Thalmor are too powerful to the Empire,and they won't try again just because of some strange guy who named himself Dragonborn(but of course they would win if they try to fight alongside of Dovahkiin).Nerevarine could really be the one who's behind the Thalmor's attack in all Tamriel.I hope that the next game be like the one you said,i really hate the Thalmor and it needs to end,also i want to kill Nerevarine(never liked him).

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Personally, I think that ghost died with a concussion (or drunk, he did die in a bar, after alll....) and has spent his afterlife not thinking straight....


What is the official Tamriel position on reincarnation? Wouldn't Tiber be in Sovengaarde?

Man, i'ts impossible to Tiber Septim be in Sovngarde,he is Talos.

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