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Light Armor Leveling Up Randomly


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I have a ton of mods installed, and Light Armor will randomly level up, sometimes while talking to NPCs, and sometimes when I start running after standing still for a bit. It's really annoying and breaks immersion a lot for me.


The only mods I can think of that would really possibly have an effect on it would be


Duel - Combat Realism

Imps More Complex Needs

Locational Damage (Possibly this?)

Project Reality

Realstic Ragdolls and Force




Is this a known issue for some mod or something?


Edit: I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section. :(

Edited by DrunkenPixel
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I tried SkyRe out and believe it is this mod that makes armor skills slowly gain by wearing complete set.

If I recall correctly, in magic 'active effects' there is a description of this.

Edited by woody79
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