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Strange crash in the darkfathom cave


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Hello. I'm doing the quest given by Rosentia Gallenus and I just entered the darkfathom cave. The problem is that when I try to go further (just 10-15 secs after the entrance) the game crashes. I used BOSS to see if there was any issue but it's alright. I also created a bashed patch to check if there was any bug or missing esm in the list, even the saved game color list in the Wrye Bash tab is ok (it's green). How can I solve this problem? i really don't know what to do. Thanks.

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Possibly a problem with the Daedra spawns in Darkfathom (plus I assume you have the good old Everscamps trailing along).


I'm not sure how this will work with the scamps stuck to you like glue, but normally one way to resolve spawning issues is to use the coc center and wait trick.


Open the console and type coc center and then hit Enter. You will be transported to an open plain with some trees in the distance. Using the game Wait menu wait for 72 hours and then a bit for good measure (so that's three full days and then a bit). Open the console again and coc DarkfathomCaveExterior (which should bring you back to the Darkfathom Cave entrance).

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Do you think itâs a spawn issue? Thatâs very weird, since these followers-scamps even when are killed resurrect without problems. I Also tried to roam outside the cave, around blackenmearch village, i passed along the wooden bridge at the end of the road: after killing a marauder, The game crashed again. I donât understand why.
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Corrupted spawns has been a "feature" of the game for a long time. In my experience it is more likely to happen the more that is happening in your game. In my game I'll get a crash often when the game is loading cells in advance of me getting there, to a large part because of options I have chosen to enable in one mod I use (that are not recommended by the mod author I might add).


In your case having the scamps as forced followers is adding extra processing load and that is increasing the likelyhood of a crash (providing my theory is correct).

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Normally I would say just go somewhere far away from Darkfathom for more than 72 hours to allow the cell to reset, but that may not be much fun with the scamps stuck to you like glue plus the speed slow down from the staff. The coc center trick is the most reliable method under normal circumstances as it takes you right outside of the game world to do your waiting.


What I'm not sure about is how the scamps will take to you leaving that way ... all you can do is try and see what happens.

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Your replies are very useful, thanks.

Iâm going to try both the coc trick code and crash logger (or even message logger, would it be a good tool?) to see if this issue can be fixed. Another strange thing I noticed is that in other previous quests (like the one with Mazoga the Orc) my follower/s didnât cause any crash. Are just the scamps to cause problems, then?

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The more followers you have at the same time the more load they put on your game, which increases the chances it will hit a spot that leads to a crash.


If you read through the UESP Wiki on Whom Gods Annoy you'll see they even mention how the scamps will lower your frame rate. I myself generally go through Darkfathom and clear out all of the daedra before talking to Rosentia because the scamps are such a pain to have along while you're trying to do something.

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