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Please LIE to me


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So this game, friends, is quite broken. I've been avoiding this truth since 1983. wait what, nevermind.


But bephoar I begin this rant... hope you agree with me in this: a game's gotta be good in whatever field it covers. Assuming it wants to be any good. So if there's this field you think you're not gonna be able to make justice, you better don't bother? Now, this said.


The thing is


1- Combat is STILL un-reactive. After watching a couple vids, I'm confident saying it's been like this since 1994. I'm not even kidding now, they released Arena back then. Go watch the vids if you don't believe me. Also don't know when they introduced dual wielding, but that's gotta be the one single and most relevant thing they've done for the combat system in the whole series. 2012? my second weapon wont stay when sheath it.


2- The world STILL wont react at player's anyone's actions. Cast seven fireballs towards an NPC, miss for some couple feet? guy just keeps walking, doesn't even look at you. SWAG. 15 feet tall, firebreathing dragon in the middle of town? Farmer will farm. Random peasant goes all #LeroyJenkins. C'mon. Skyrim logic? Player wins Civil War, nothing happens.


3- Videogame's HIV, widely known as ''Mainstreaming'': Carrying alchemy apparatus? Too underground, let's have it so people have to find an alchemy site that, no matter where you go, it's always the same model. Alchemator-3000. Percentage improvement of skills. Uplevel killing 200 crabs, improve pickpocket. You're good enough with the bow, now you slow down time! Let's just make sure we don't innovate towards more creative, and sensemaking rewards/mechanics.


4- Arrive to Winterhold College, can't cast a fireball. Two days later still can't cast fireball, but guild leader. comethef*ckonBeth.


5- When interacting with non-friendly factions, NPCs are just like Chuck Norris: have two speeds, walk and kill. I mean, it's astounding. How do they know, random mage in random tunic, shoot at sight. Twenty bandits, three legionaries? Legionaries charge. Every-single-time. Come on, at least give me SOME drama. ''Surrender at once!'' ''ok don't kill me''... BEFORE the guy's received a dozen blows. that'd be enough, I'd swear. Legionaries surrender, bandits capture them, tie them up, everything happens in real time. I'd be sold for some... any of that. But man. Kill at sight? Every time?


6- Far Cry 2 had flammable bushes, Beth. Back in 2008.


7- How... No, wait, who was the GENIUS behind the idea of using the rotating stones as an universal dungeon puzzle? 'Cause that guy, man... that guy.


8- ''OOHH since ancient times, no one's been able to figure out the metal claws enigma'' (no, this is real in-game dialogue. There's a guy saying something like this in Skyrim).


9- Hey, so now NPCs won't pursue past their own cell? Wait they did pursue you past their cell back in Oblivion, didn't they? (they did).


10- Did they even try to make this game good? 'Cause to me, it looks like at some point they were like... mfg off with you

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There are some mods that have awesome places to display your loot and finding's, a place for your dragon masks to display, I'm talking about the Levelers Tower ignore the cheat parts of the levelers tower if your not into cheating and enjoy the display museum and manniqins part of the levelers tower, I like it's item sorter myself Edited by sinnerman69
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There are some mods that have awesome places to display your loot and finding's, a place for your dragon masks to display, I'm talking about the Levelers Tower ignore the cheat parts of the levelers tower if your not into cheating and enjoy the display museum and manniqins part of the levelers tower, I like it's item sorter myself


Hm I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time trying to understand how your comment relates to the original post

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I know the catching things on fire can probably be done pretty easily with mods :) And removing sandbox packages (actors leaving their cells) - however, then actors tend to disappear :facepalm: Mods can fix #4, definitely. I believe #3 is built in to the engine, but a modder could provide a similar system as an optional way to do alchemy and just remove all of the craft tables. If you give a list of situations in #2, it can be done - the fireball for instance, can be done with some scripting if fireball is x feet away from NPC, react.


The only thing on your list that looks like it would be hard for modders to do is the combat. Everything else, with a little time and effort shouldn't take too long to fix up.

Edited by Cynster
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I play it almost daily, wouldnt call it broken :)


From the sounds of it maybe you shouldn't play this game.


that sounds like the answer to me.


just because a game is released and some people enjoy it doesn't mean that everyone has to play it and enjoy it.


we all enjoy different things and that is how it should be.

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3 and 4 are your only valid points.

All his points are personal opinion, and in that way they are valid.

I agree with point 2, while folks will say stuff like "woa woa woa, watch the magic" as you're casting something, on the larger scale there are not enough consequences to your actions.

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3 and 4 are your only valid points.

All his points are personal opinion, and in that way they are valid.

I agree with point 2, while folks will say stuff like "woa woa woa, watch the magic" as you're casting something, on the larger scale there are not enough consequences to your actions.

And so was mine, so in that way, no they are not valid.


Most of his complains sound like someone new to the series that doesnt understand this has to run on hardware from 2005, which was even outdated then. This isn't some linear, scripted corridor game, it's a huge complex sandbox RPG.

Edited by Enatiomorph
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