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Major lag when saving


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I've hit kind of a weird bug, if it is that. I've been playing Skyrim on and off almost since it was released, and this is the first I've seen this. When I save my game, even if it's overwriting a previous one, it just about always took no more than three or four seconds to save before returning me to my game. All of sudden, it's taking a solid 15-ish seconds to save, first few times I thought my game froze and almost ctrl+alt+deleted before it returned me to the game. Thing is, I hadn't downloaded a mod in at least a week, and this problem didn't come up until just yesterday.


Anyone know what the problem is, and if I should be worried? Not gonna lie, has me a little nervous lol.

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Might be SoS then, I've been running the Dungeons and Wilds versions for quite a while, and Civilization was the last mod I downloaded a week or so ago. I'll try uninstalling that.


I'd actually heard about the savegame bloat issue pretty early on after the game's release, so I've been careful about how many saves I have at a time, heh. I always delete saves I'm confident I don't need anymore. Thanks, though! :D

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I don't think the number of saves makes any difference. It's the size of individual save files that causes problems. And the author of SoS has taken his files offline until he fixes them. He recommends uninstalling SoS until the problems have been addressed.
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Hi, I'm also having this problem, I deleted all my save files, only left the one I'm using, and it has 70MB.

When I quicksave or save, it takes like 10 seconds, and I'm also having some freezes that lasts for 2 seconds from time to time.

I only use Body replacers, idle and sit replacers, quality world map, DYNAVISION, UFO, The Dance of Death, SkyUI , ShadowRemover and others small mods.

Edited by BugNexus
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Were you using other mods previously for that same character? Mods put a lot of things into the save file which remain there after the mod is uninstalled. Usually scripts are a problem A quick thing to try is to move the character inside a simple player house or the qasmoke cell and wait for 31 days to allow the game to fully reset. Try that, then save, and see if the file size is back to normal. There is a mod which allows you to select 31 days as a waiting/sleeping period, so that you don't have to do 24 hours 31 times.


IMPORTANT NOTE: The number of save files is irrelevant. I probably have 1000 save files for various characters. Doesn't matter. And deleting old saves doesn't give you a restore point to return to in the event of save file corruption by a mod you've been using for a week. It's a bad idea not to keep old save files around. I have a character with 200 saves. The only time I've seen the freezes is when the save file that was loaded for that session was unusually large. The exception was SoS. The save files weren't really that large, but I still got freezes. I had to go back and delete all saves that were made for all characters during about a one week period. Since I have plenty of save files for each character, including saves from Helgen, I can go back to pretty much any point in time for any character. I would not delete old saves.

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I used the No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu to wait 31 days and th save file now is 83MB it was 70MB and the problems persists.

I forgot the "move the character inside a simple player house or the qasmoke cell" part and waited outside, does that influences into something?

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That sounds like a problem I had some months ago with early versions of Warzones, OCS, WiS, etc. The save files were over 100 MB. I had to disable all of the major mods and sleep for 31 days. You may have some rogue scripts in that save file. You can look inside it with this:




It's always recommended to get to a simple indoor cell to allow all of the external cells to reset properly. The cell you are in will not reset, for example.

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