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Mod item codes


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So I realized my problem was that I wasn't putting in the mod load order number - for example, a steel circlet - the default number I got from creation kit was 020C0C52, but the tytanis mod it comes from is in my mod load list as number 1D so i have to change steel circlets number to 1D0C0C52, replacing the 02 with 1D. Even though I solved this another problem I have is that the 'help' command does not work for anything, even default skyrim stuff.


Are you putting the item you are searching for in quotations? That's how you specify otherwise the help command shows everything.


Example: help "iron sword" vs help Iron Sword

the first one will show you anything with the phrase iron sword and the second one will show you everything in the game.


You might also have to scroll up the console because the first one will also show any dialogue/quests that involve iron swords. With mod added items this is less likely but still possible, I believe this can be fixed by typing the following:


help "iron Sword" 4


The 4 limits the search to just items with those words I believe (I think it was 4. the options are 1-4. The console should itself tell you which number). Also, make sure the item is spelled exactly the way the mod author spelled it. For example, i downloaded a mask mod for a japanese Kitsune mask. The mod author mispelled it as Kitune or something, so the Kitsune result was showing me nothing. I realized this by searching: help "kit" 4. It showed me item beginning with kit.

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