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What are the benefits of Premium / Supporter?


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Just wondering because I was considering to "Go Premium", since I have 50$ that have been sitting around unused for like 3 months now. But I reconsidered for two reasons:


1) It appears that the only benefit is you get to look at nudity in the Images (Google Images is free in that regard :sweat: )


2) Nexus is so ban-happy its a possibility that I'd pay for something only to be banned later for saying something disagreeable or doing something someone else might consider offensive. I don't know. It seems like the "User X has been banned" or whatever is always rolling, and everyone on other sites seem to constantly be going on whenever Nexus is mentioned how they got banned for insignificant things, or no real reason at all.

So, just in case, I really don't want to pay for it unless there is really significant benefits.



So. What are the benefits of Premium?

Edited by Cipherthe3vil
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I can't answer to benefits of premium, but 90% of the bans (and I read them regularly) are from people openly admitting piracy, trying to come back after being banned, or for not being human (chat/spam bot). So as you don't claim to pirate a game, banning really isn't going to happen to you.


Most of the remaining seem to be people who don't understand "If you don't like, don't comment" rule, which, while like driving a nail with a sledgehammer, does weed out the bastages.

Edited by DaedalusMachina
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Ah. That's good to know. I don't knowingly Pirate anything. Especially not serious games. I don't think its even possible to pirate games connected to steam, not that I've tried XD


Faster download speeds.

No ads.


Some other perks.


Its the "Some other perks" I care about :/


No ads? I don't care about adds. Well. Except the annoying arse Sound adds that automatically play. They're a pain and to be hated, and never to be acknowledged (I make a point to never get anything related to a Sound add. Especially Sound Ads that spring up randomly in one of 20+ tabs.)


Faster Download Speeds? I have time. Though it could be useful.


So what are the other perks. So far:


(Stars = how relevant it is to myself. For my own sort of notes to measure if I want to get Premium, don't mind them. But for curious people, the stars are out of 10 like a rating system.)


No ads. *

Faster Download Speed ***

Nude Images ****

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Larger PM Inbox, full download history, "moderating" comments for your own files, you get notified of any changes to your tracked files, uncapped download speeds with 2 premium servers, access to supporters imageshare etc.


All pretty handy perks.

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We currently show 4.2 million members. Given that we ban about 20 a day, half of those 20 are admitted pirates or repeat offenders - of the other half some are spambots. some are requests by the poster to be removed - usually so they can start a new account, then some are for someone with less than 10 posts trolling like this is 4chan or something awful. And some are for violating rules on copyrights, repeat violators of no posting ripped stuff from other games or posting nudes in the regular members share. the actual numbers in each category can vary quite a bit but this is typical. So we ban a regular member about once a week or so for doing something really dumb.


About half of the pirates get caught admitting piracy in chat where you have to look at, and agree to, a list of 7 simple chat rules every time before entering the chat. It's the second bullet point in the short list. Out of 4.2 million - yeah we ban a lot of regular members don't we. :rolleyes:


Then unlike many sites, you get to appeal the ban to the full staff before it becomes permanent.


If you have read the Terms Of Service, it's actually easier to not get banned. Some of those we do ban seem to go out of their way to break rules. The one I see most often is "I didn't know I would get banned for pirating a game."

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I'm in the the same boat as the TC, but I decided to try the premium service for a month to see if I'll like it. I've purchased a 1 month subscription. I was interested in faster download speeds but there seems to be a problem with that. Every time I try to download a mod with one of the premium servers, it links me to the premium page. Do I have to wait for the premium to activate on my account to access the premium servers?
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