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Water glitching out, character and objects acting odd


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I am having a strange issue where as soon as I install a mod after I clean install and clean my masters I get a weird water glitch. The water is clipping and causing an odd noise. It starts as soon as I install cbbe. I go in and test skse, then skyui, then racemenu, but right after cbbe I start getting this bug. Which feels really odd to me.

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Also I was getting a message when trying to install skyui about the has been an exception has occurred. I looked up how to fix this by enabling add shell extensions for supported files. Is this perhaps causing this. I'm in the process of going through reinstalling stuff to see what exactly is happening. But thought this might be worth mentioning as I have never gotten this message when I modded before.

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So it appears to happen after I install XPMSE and build the hdt body in bodyslide. Does anyone know why this would cause my water to bug out and my character to act like she is floating under water at times??

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First, verify your game cache through Steam. Then, do not clean your masters. Folks are divided about 50/50 on the issue, but if odd things are happening, then try leaving the masters alone. Skyrim does have a bit of a water glitch where if you are swimming, especially underwater, the water will disappear for a moment. Your character will even drop a bit as if the water weren't there.


There is no reason for CBBE to cause problems. It changes nothing but body meshes and textures, if you installed the CBBE textures. So, it seems that something else is going on. Are you using any environmental mods which alter the lighting or the rendering in any way? When you fixed the installation error, how did you find the information you needed?


In addition, check out the guide here... http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again

If you work through it, then you can make sure there's nothing lurking around which shouldn't be there, like old scripts and such. Plus, it'll save you having to do a clean install when things go wrong. :D I've used it at least twice on my own installation, and it works beautifully.

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I don't remember how to use spoilers to make hidden lists. But I am using and installed in this order; Unofficial patch, skse, skyui, racemenu, cbbe, mature skin, eyes of beauty, hdt-pe, xpmse, bodyslide, then build the body. Going in and running around to see what happening and changed after every install on a clean save i keep stored away for testing.Right after I install bodyslide and build the curvy body for cbbe hdt is when I start experiencing the bug.


I guess I should also mention these were all mods I had backed up from when I built my new computer. I just dragged and dropped the mods back into nmm after I built my new pc and started playing this again.

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So after doing some more testing. The HDT physics extension is definitely what is causing the bug. Not cbbe. I'm not sure why this would be happening. It's the first time I have ever experienced this problem. I have used this hdt-pe before in my game and never had this issue.

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You know what might be the problem? I feel so stupid for not having thought of this first. I forgot Skyrim can't run well above 60Hz. I 'm guessing this is what is causing my water to freak out.



Yup. Haha, that was the problem. I feel so dumb. It's been so long since I have played this, I just totaly forgot about that then eyed my framerate and it hit me. Well thanks Jannifer for suggesting a solution.

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