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Help with fog


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Hey guys, can someone tell me how to completely remove the fog or something to reduce the FPS drop? In a dungeon with FOG I get around 25-30 FPS, without it 45-60 FPS. I've tried reducing iMaxDesired from 750 to 0 and not a single FPS more.

My rig:

- nVidia GT240 1GB


- AMD Phenom X4 9550

- Windows 7 64 Bit

- Cleaned last week

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It changes fog, smoke, mist. I haven't noticed any changes to water.


So if you tried it at zero, and you still have the fps problem, maybe it's not the fog that is causing it. Can you explain in more detail what you are seeing? Also what mods you are using (especially any lighting mods)? Is the fps drop only in dungeons, and in all dungeons? Is there any chance the issue is with shadows (also a lot of them in dungeons)?

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It changes fog, smoke, mist. I haven't noticed any changes to water.


So if you tried it at zero, and you still have the fps problem, maybe it's not the fog that is causing it. Can you explain in more detail what you are seeing? Also what mods you are using (especially any lighting mods)? Is the fps drop only in dungeons, and in all dungeons? Is there any chance the issue is with shadows (also a lot of them in dungeons)?

I installed a lot of mods, just simple ones that improves quality and bugfixes all of them in low res version to have the lowest FPS hit. I started a new game (from the begining to the dungeon, around 30-40 FPS), and when I enter the dungeon, at first got around 45-60 frame rate, but when I get to the part of the roof collapse and I have to go to the room in the right side, I see some kind of smoke/fog and the frame rates drop from 50 to 26, only when I focus the fog.

So I'm asking if there is some way to completely remove that fog so I won't have to deal with it further in the game, and have a smooth gamplay,

BTW: For some reason, looks like the brightness adjust system stoped working. Look, this image:


Literally impossible to play from 7 am to 15 pm (IG). It gaves me headaches.

Edited by RoughAndTough00
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So you may think this is off base, and it could be, but is there any chance that what you are seeing is the result of your drivers becoming overloaded, rather than the fog rendering?

NVidia changed the way to properly install new driver updates, but they didn't really tell anyone, unless you read through the installation instructions, which practically no one does. If you update your drivers the old way, the way all of us had been doing, and the way Nvidia still lets you do at their site (even though their own instructions advise against it), or if you use the Windows control panel update system, or even the Steam driver update system, you can end up with incompletely overwritten/unremoved driver files from older updates, resulting in a variety of problems, including wild overclocking (which could result in visual problems like you are describing), fps being erratic (as you describe), temperature being incorrectly monitored (which you might not see till your card died), and other issues.


SO unless you have used the new way of updating, it would be worth a try, in my opinion, just to make sure you don't have other problems down the road. You can read about it here. It's an EVGA site, but the info is good for any NVidia card.


Other than that, I think you would have to go through basic mod troubleshooting to rule out a mod-related issue causing the problem (Bben's troubleshooting guide is fabulous).

As far as I am aware, the only .ini settings that affect fog are the ones you are already trying.

Also, just to be double-sure, you are making changes to the correct Prefs.ini file? The one that is Username/mydocuments/mygames/skyrim? Don't want to offend you, just trying to cover all the bases....

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