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New towns/villages



21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which hold(s) most need a new settlement?

    • Eastmarch (Windhelm)
    • Falkreath
    • Haafingar (Solitude)
    • Hjaalmarch (Morthal)
    • The Pale (Dawnstar)
    • The Reach (Markarth)
    • The Rift (Riften)
    • Whiterun
    • Winterhold

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I'm interested in which hold or holds people would most like to see new settlements added to.


There seems to be very few mods of this type out there, nearly all of the decent mods in the towns section are reworkings of or additions to existing settlements, but from the feedback I've got on the new settlement I have already made (technically in Eastmarch, but bordering Whiterun and The Pale) there is a demand for them.


I've found at least one viable location in each of the holds for adding new settlements while keeping a decent spacing between towns, and using realistic locations (e.g has a road connection, or a good alternative reason for there to be a settlement there), and pretty certain my next project will be making one of these. I'm not saying "I WILL make whichever is most in demand" but I genuinely haven't made up my mind where I'd like most, so votes and opinions could swing it one way or another. Plus I'm interested in people's thoughts on this generally.


Feel free to share any reasons why, particular locations you feel would benefit, or even if a particular type of settlement is needed (e.g "we meed a monastery type town for monks"... that kind of thing).

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Like the idea of a port town, sounds a good idea to me.


One of the possibles vaguely in my head for Dawnstar would probably be kind of port town-ish too, but more likely smugglers than whalers.


Aye, a port town in Winterhold does sound good, even though I thought the Reach was a barren wasteland.


It definitely needs something on the road south-west to Whiterun/Falkreath I think, and there's some BEAUTIFUL spots along that road too.



I'd like to do them all really :D

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There are a few big areas in the Rift where there are no marked locations of interest, just empty forest. Especially northeast and northwest of Riften. Also around Falkreath is pretty dull and boring.



I like the idea of some proper port town though. Would also be nice with some "wildlings" living on the ice up north in smaller settlements. That's a huge fairly empty area to play around with, while also safe from possible conflicts. I love exploring there!

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Thanks for the thoughts so far everybody.


Surprised the Reach has attracted little interest, I mean it does have two settlements already where others have just one, but it is the biggest "empty" space...


The Rift making a comeback at the minute after a slow start :biggrin:


Definitely looks like Winterhold is the popular choice though. I've got 3 specific possible locations there (East coast and North of the wreck of the winter war, nearly anywhere on the track past the shrine of Azura, and on the track to the Imperial camp/lighthouse) plus a 4th more general area in the islands to the North, so there's plenty of possibilities there.

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I think Skyrim is too crowded and the locations are too close together. So if you built new villages, they would be best outside the borders in the other provinces where there is plenty of space.
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I'm making a new city called Rochebere which is situated along the borders of Cyrodiil and Skyrim, below Falkreath.


I'm also thinking about making a small settlement called Elmscreak, which is located between Morthal and Markarth, as a side project.


My opinion though is the area on the West of Whiterun is fairly empty. The only main settlement there is Rorikstead.

Edited by samv96UK
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