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is my Skyrim version greater than the 1.6 update?


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is my Skyrim version greater than the 1.6 update and Skyrim version My steam is screwed up currently, idk whats going on. I disabled updates because of the mass updates from my games. So please answer?

Oh and the imperial legates never die at their camps. Help?

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Yes, is the latest. I understand that they are preparing to release the beta soon. And disabling updates does not work. The only way that I have found to avoid them is to play in the offline mode. Cannot answer your third question. Sorry.




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The legates not dieing is or at least was normal, they were set to essential, idk if they are before the CW quest are over, but they were after CW quests completed. There is or was a mod on Skyrim Nexus that fixes this, I saw it some time ago, and can't remember the name.
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