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you here with me -

touching so softly

consuming me hungrily

flirtatious intimations

skin sensations

surging excitations

thrill of tips

curving hips

lips and tongues

bursting lungs

i've come undone

nape arching,

arcing, sparking

greedily craving

biting and raging

lustily breathless

choking with excess

need to possess

precious anguish

agonizingly merging

precipice verging

threshold throes

ecstacy, frozen

caught in a time scale

holy grail

.. then exhale.

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Caustic words,

like knives,

descend on you

to cut away the flesh:

incise your very heart.

If there's any feeling inside,

a special place for me?

Then let me rip that part away,

right now!

If it only causes pain,

if all you'll feel is shame,

then let's make it really

worth the stains

it's sure to make on my

soiled soul.

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Solar Revolution

-song for mother-


This year, I won't cry

on the day you went away

I won't say goodbye yet again

I won't re-write

all the scripts of my life

filling you in.


This year, I'll try to forget

how we needed you to stay

I won't let the darkness take hold

I'll scratch through the pain

to the sunlight again

my heart's coming in from the cold.


This year, I'll sing you a song

On your special day

and send happy returns by post

I'll forgive you for leaving

I'll stop endlessly grieving,

and finally give up the ghost.

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shh.. listen!


the war drums are beating

the frenzied are feeding

on the sick and the bleeding

on cake they keep eating.

listless leaders leading

ignore the masses' pleading

urge henchmen to misdeeding

their 'heaven' receding.

the warriors proceeding

hysteria is breeding

duct tape and plastic sheeting

the misery exceeding.

marchers interceding

fail in impeding

children's suffering repeating

more hatred is seeding.

uranium depleting.

shh.. my heart is still beating.

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for a father



a little girl heard

the soft, solid words

of encouragement and advice

they actually saved her life

more than once.


grown, taken flight

secure in the faith of what's right,

comforted by a father's guide.

words echoing truth undenied


i have grown to lean on that strength

i used to rebel against

over the years.

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verbal abuse




such self-important pride so rarely seen

comprised of pompous vaunting attitude

and boasting gasconading puff and preen

the likes of which are best described as crude

without suggesting that it's also rude,

in truth, to feel a lesser soul to note.

the false congenial passing platitude

be damned, impressed I'm not by rule and rote

nor by the swollen-headed boorish bloat.

through poesy we come to verbal blows

offend, delete, provoke or just misquote

my manners may descend to heightened lows


and there it goes, the whole damn neighborhood

but now at least I feel I'm understood.

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Mad Girl's Love Sung




Did it rain that day in Jamaica Plain?

Was the Boston sun obscured

by the gray of October pall, mid-day?


did you dream the starcast portents

did you dream your lover and your tragedies?


Is it the wolves' blood we share? a bond made of

dry leaves and angry moons, mean with lust and


the blood of sapping winter trees? still

shivering with the clenching chill long after


sunset rays have heaved collapsing lungs,

moths breath and wings too delicate for life


Dying for their art.

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fancy footwords



words bedraggle

words berate

words used to obliterate


hide behind their wit

wag a tongue and spit


derisive bon mots

and twist-me-knots

to stir the pot

that all you've got?


-words of castigation

to punish agitation

(transparent togs)

the mirror fogs


words with fancy feet

words can't take the heat


words belittle

words besmirch

words resemble research


but that don't make it so,

propaganda you know.

let me make it this much clearer

I am not your mirror

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