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I'm choosing between a Human Male Engineer, Norn Male Warrior or Norn Female Ranger as my 1st build. Haven't decided yet... hell, I need to pick up the game 1st lol!
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so im curious, what do you all choose to play as at first, and are you happy with it? what other classes/races interest you? how are you liking the game so far? do you see yourself playing this a lot, or getting i sick of it fast? anything you find yourself not quite liking? i know its a lot of questions, but im new to GW and sort of new to MMOs in general, so im curious to hear your opinions!


Well I started out as a Norn warrior, and it was alright. My love of all things Norse flavored made up for the lack luster storyline at first. I'm level 17 now, and I'm beginning to lose interest. I tried a human engineer for a while after, to see if it was better. The class itself felt very weak, but the human storyline I found to be much better than the Norn's. I took some time off to read about how the other classes have been balanced, and discovered that the Engineer was apparently pretty UP currently. So I rerolled as a human Ranger, and I've been having a great time. As a Ranger you really feel like you're in control of the battle, which I never felt as a Warrior.


Heavy armor or not, as a Warrior I still felt pretty vulnerable and that was only made more prominent when I tried out world vs world. When you're charging alongside 15+ other players, it's difficult to observe how a battle is progressing. At least half the time I charged into the fray, I would discover that my line of fighters had crumbled leaving myself surrounded and quickly overwhelmed. As a Ranger, I could instead deal great DPS from afar while still having amble time to fall back if an offensive failed. As a consequence of this awareness, I've spent MUCH less coppers repairing my equipment. Needless to say that makes me very happy. :D


I'll try to add you soon. :)


I've been having some difficulty finding you using the search feature. If you'd like to try adding me, my username is Cragnar.2569 and I have two characters you can invite if you like.


Adren Thorn (This one is my Ranger, which is currently rather low leveled.)

Kragnar (This one is my Norn Warrior)

Edited by Kraeten
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thats part of the reason i wanna be a ranged guy. being melee i just dont wanna dodge and stuff, mostly cause i cant see whats going on in a swarm. as a ranged, im more likely to move around since my spells will home in, whereas a melee guy i cant move much or i miss.


im enjoying the Thief right now and also the Mesmer. just wanna get them to level 5, see what they unlock and see which one fits me best, im leaning towards Mesmer.

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Well I just started playing again today (And someone STOLE my names! Can you believe that?! I had to put an O instead of an E. I already stopped using Sareth which I used because of Dark Messiah and went with Khareth. I thought it was a unique name, never had it taken before and now I can't use it. So I had to put Kharoth which honestly looks dumb but I had no better names.)

Anyway I believe Khareth.2034 is mine.

I made two characters already one male Char elementalist and one male Human ranger. I seriously just started though. So both are only level one or two.

And I'm now only getting 13-20 FPS. At least I have sound though. The beta was so fun, but I didn't have sound. Now I'm running slow but I have sound. Could just be that there are more people but I doubt it.


And talking about those bad emails. I got one about World of Warcraft. I have never ever in my life played that. I was like... Hmmm obviously not a fake.

Edited by K00L
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i finally decided. im sticking with my Asura Mesmer. really enjoying it. really enjoying its different weapon sets, still got a couple more to max out. i forget the name i made up for it but ill edit this when i go back on tomorrow so i can be added to the guild with the toon im sticking with. if you wanna delete the hoofhearted from the guild one thats fine me.
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I'm going to add as many people as I can on Saturday, since I'm too close to the cap on my internet to play Guild Wars and it ticks over on Sat.

Could people reply to this with their usernames in a chain of replys so they all end up on the same post and we have a full list of people who haven't been added yet.

I'm struggling to keep track of who's who.


My username is: "Jager.7935"


Edit: I tried to add as many people as I could, tell me if it works. :)

If all the invites work, we'll have 7 guild members.

Edited by Jagermh
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Alright I joined! Thanks for inviting us! :P

Don't know why I didn't put K00L as my account name, it would be easier for everyone to recognize. xD I wasn't planning ahead.

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what stinks is that we are all on different servers. and the ones we are all on are all Full. so none of us can actually play together :(


are transfers free? if so, as a suggestion, maybe we should all transfer to one that is simple High. then we can all play together. but then i guess we would only be playing together if we were in the same area. idk how it works.

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